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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
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  8. 7. Final Thoughts

Creating Great Letterboxes

Rules of Thumb

There’s no one right way to create a letterbox, but there are a handful of very specific suggestions that almost every top-notch letterbox is going to follow. On the flip side, there are also a lot of wrong ways to create a letterbox, and if you find yourself doing any of these, you should seriously reconsider the choices you’re making.
Marjorie checks out the box
The stamp and the logbook go with the flowers by the box! But Marjorie considered the rubber chickens a sick, sick joke.

Do This

There are certain steps you can do with almost any letterbox to ensure it gets the attention and respect it deserves:

Don’t Do This

While there is not one right way to make a letterbox, there are plenty of wrong ways to do so. Without pointing fingers at specific letterboxes, here are a list of things not to do:

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  8. 7. Final Thoughts