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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
  1. 0. Compass Menu
  2. 1. Terminology
  3. 2. Bearings
  4. 3. Triangulation
  5. 4. Declination
  6. 5. Improvised

Compassing 101

Compass Terminology

Compasses come in a wide variety of styles, but we will focus on the orienteering compass. It's a light-weight, economical compass well-suited for letterboxing, and this tutorial assumes you are using one. This photo shows the major parts of an orienteering compass.
Orienteering compass
Your compass might have other features, but these are the basics and the only features most letterboxers will ever need. These types of compasses typically cost between $10 to $20 and can give you decades of use—you'll more likely lose one then have it wear out on you! I use the Brunton Nexus Star compass in this tutorial, but the techniques used here are applicable for any orienteering compass so use whatever you like best!
Recommended Compasses
  1. 0. Compass Menu
  2. 1. Terminology
  3. 2. Bearings
  4. 3. Triangulation
  5. 4. Declination
  6. 5. Improvised