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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Event #2953

Putting Out the Welcome Mat RestaurantBox-friendly

REI Flagship Store - Meet At The Starbucks Inside, 1416 Platte St, Denver, CO
Join event
Traditional LetterboxNearby
Registered Boxes: All Traditional HH/Cootie/Flea Postal LTC Event Box Traveler Other
StartsSat September 14, 2013 1:00pm
EndsSat September 14, 2013 3:00pm
AdminsAngel and Demon
LocationREI Flagship Store - Meet At The Starbucks Inside, 1416 Platte St, Denver, CO
Add to CalendarGoogle calendar ICS file (e.g. Outlook, iCal, etc.)


We're a rather motley Welcome Wagon to be sure, but it seems like there are a LOT of new folks in our Colorado letterboxing community! New to the area, new to the hobby, it doesn't matter. We want to meet YOU!!! Inspired by the gracious Puppy Luv, who hosted a Summer Bash geared toward some "newbies" in her area, this event is geared not only to newbies, but to oldies who have transplanted themselves to our fair state.

Come, meet, exchange, trade stories, stamps, and create community!

We'll be meeting at our "old standby" the REI Flagship store in downtown Denver. There's a Starbucks inside that is a great place to gather, and several parks with letterboxes just a short walk away. Let's meet, grab a coffee, swap stamps, and get to know one another (or see friends we just dont see often enough!). Thourh the time on the event says 2 hours, that is due to parking at REI (see update below). Boxing in the area can go on as long as folks are up for it, just need to move your vehicle. Box on!
Event stamps are in the works ... and maybe even some fun surprises. Stay tuned!

IS THIS YOUR FIRST LETTERBOXING EVENT? Sign up for the event by clicking the "Join Event" button located right on this page. You will get alerts to event announcements, and by returning to this page before the event, you can print a list of nearby boxes, and also print an "event checklist" which shows all of the event stamps, personal travelers, and exchanges that you may want to make when you come! You can also send a message to Autumnsfolly by clicking on the little envelope icon next to my name at the top of the event. Happy to answer any questions!

Aug 9, 2013: Parking for Welcome Mat Event
Apparently REI has a 2-hour maximum time limit for all parking lots. You have to get a time card when entering and present it when leaving. So, we'll keep our time at REI limited to 2 hours, then collectively move our vehicles to a nearby park to do some boxing. You can also elect to leave your car at a nearby park and walk to REI - it's beautiful along the river there. :)

Aug 13, 2013: Welcome Mat: parking, gathering and boxing, oh my ...
Parking at the REI is free for the first two hours. After that, you have to pay. There is nearby metered street parking and we always recommend a carpool! Additionally, given the size of the event, we MAY be looking at moving our gathering spot to a nearby park to help prevent folks from having to pay, and also because holy cow the Starbucks may not have seating for everyone!

There are a LOT of nearby boxes that are absolutely worth finding! So if you plan to stay to letterbox after the event, consider the parking fees and either plan to pay, or park elsewhere and walk to REI. For newer letterboxers, you can locate and print a list of clues by visiting the event page and clicking the "nearby boxes" icon.

We will update everyone if the event meeting place changes! Thrilled that we're having such a great turn out - and we have some fun things planned!

Autumnsfolly, Angel and Demon, and Ravenwolf
(your event co-conspirators!)

Sep 8, 2013: One week to go!
Well I dont know about you all, but I'm getting excited for the event next weekend! We have 24 letterboxers signed up to attend, at least 21 personal travelers, 7 event boxes, one new event stamp, and plans for a fun raffle. AND - there are dozens of letterboxes in walking distance from our gathering point.
Who knows how many cooties, hitchhikers and unexpected things will turn up, too!

Sound fun? I think so! So - if you have boxing friends who are on the fence about coming, start the arm twisting and persuasion now! :)

Sep 12, 2013: Floods and such ....
Hey all,
I'm sure you all have seen the news about the incredible flooding up here in the Boulder county area and points north. I dont know what's happening in Denver - though the news is showing areas of flooding and flash flooding.

We may need to cancel the "Putting Out the Welcome Mat" event planned for Saturday. I'll rely on folks in the Denver area (Angel and Demon / Ravenwolf) to make the final determination on that.

Please dont come to the gathering if you will be driving in unsafe conditions, and of course if your home is in a flooding area.

Stay safe all, and stay tuned ...

Sep 12, 2013: Follow up: Floods and Such
Hey everyone!

RavenWolf, chiming in. After a bit of discussion with Angel, we think the event can go on as planned. While Boulder is taking the brunt of the storm (super good thoughts to everyone up there! Lots of damage and lost property :( :( ) Denver, while wet, isn't under the same conditions. Chatfield resevoir seems to be doing its job, and while the South Platte is high, it is no where near flooding.

Please contact one of us if you would like more details. See you guys on Saturday!


Sep 13, 2013: We are ON!
Rain rain go away, come again another day! We are ON for our gathering! I think we all can use something to focus on rather than this insane weather, the roads, and the losses that friends have suffered!

I can't wait to see you ALL at the event tomorrow! I love our boxing community!!!

xoxo ...

Sep 16, 2013: Event stamp
I always forget you actually have to list these so that people who like to log things can do so.

You can find the event box here:



  1. AutumnsFolly
  2. Angel and Demon
  3. Puppy Luv (2)
  4. JDola
  5. RavenWolf (3)
  6. Seekers Two
  7. Puppypaws and Trail Buddy (2)
  8. the.lovebugs2004
  9. Cowdrey Clan (2)
  10. Porras Posse
  11. Delilah Lou (3)
  12. David Leroy
Total signups:19