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Atlas Quest

Creating an Atlas Quest Theme

You see the themes throughout the year on Atlas Quest—nearly 100 in all now—and members are always coming up with ideas for new themes. The ideas are endless, but the time to create them are not. For the most part, the only themes you get are the ones that the Green Tortuga gets an itch to create. No reason you can't make your own theme, though!

George Jr. on a computer
Marjorie was shocked to find George Junior oogling naked chicks instead of studying his CSS!

On each page of this tutorial, you will see a "CSS Test" box in the lower, right corner. This is a place you can try out actual CSS and apply the rules directly to pages on Alas Quest. For instance, to turn the background of this page orange, type:

#content { background:orange none; }

Go ahead, give it a try. We'll wait for you.

Fun, isn't it? If you aren't sure how something works or want to get some hands on experience with CSS while reading the tutorial, type it into these boxes and submit them to see instantly what the changes will do.

After completing this tutorial, you'll be able to create your own Atlas Quest themes and share them with everyone else on the website. Let's get started!