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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Tracker #9380

Volume "11" Songs/Artists! Themed

Traditional Tracker
ListedMarch 27, 2017
ModifiedMarch 27, 2017
StartsJuly 9, 2017Receive by
OwnerThe Merry PrankstersProfileContactLogbookNote
Max Signupsunlimited
LocationHarold Parker State Forest, 114 Jenkins Rd, Andover, MA


If you are camping with us in July, PLEASE sign-up for this tracker and carve a "Campsite" stamp! Create your own beauty of any song or artist that compels you "Crank it up to 11" and shake your bones!!! Please list your box as a "traditional" planting and add it to this tracker. Clues to each box will be posted at your individual campsite after your arrival and planting. Bring your stamp boxed up and ready to go. Thanks in advance to all participants!


  1. The Merry PrankstersProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. Mosaic ButterflyProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. ChoiProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. Three FLAmigo'sProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. the pink dragonProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. SpookyGroupProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. connecticut croakerProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. muddy pawsProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. SahalieProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. zess the treehuggersProfileContactLogbookNote
  11. Forest TrollProfileContactLogbookNote
  12. GreaseLightningProfileContactLogbookNote
  13. Origami HenProfileContactLogbookNote
  14. Kit Kat 61ProfileContactLogbookNote
  15. yellowzebraProfileContactLogbookNote
  16. buddyjumperProfileContactLogbookNote
  17. dolphinwandererProfileContactLogbookNote
  18. honig603ProfileContactLogbookNote
  19. Guzzelin' GalProfileContactLogbookNote
  20. EirynProfileContactLogbookNote
  21. StarWars ChickProfileContactLogbookNote
  22. SubGeniusProfileContactLogbookNote
  23. Faeth FindersProfileContactLogbookNote
  24. EarlyRizrProfileContactLogbookNote
  25. ladybugzProfileContactLogbookNote