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Atlas Quest
Tracker #9850

Mystery #414: Amazon  

Postal Tracker
ListedMay 17, 2018
ModifiedMay 22, 2018
StartsMay 23, 2018Send by
Max Signups10


For those who are new to mystery postals and for those who need a refresher the rules follow.

To get this postal you will have to guess the theme/name/subject of the stamp. Clues will be posted on the postal boards and on this tracker. I will try and post one per day. For each clue posted each person may make one guess prior to the next clue being posted.

Guesses should be sent to IrishRef via AQMail, not posted on the boards! Guesses will only be accepted from AQ members through AQMail.

Even if you have no clue take a guess anyway. Half the enjoyment is seeing the range of incorrect answers and how people connected clues for those guesses. You will only get a response from IR if you: A. Have the correct answer, B. Are very close or I need to clarify your guess, or C. Your guess peaks my fancy.

The first 10 members correctly guessing will be notified by AQMail. Tracker order will typically be determined by order correct answer receipt (Exception to this are international winners who will be at the end of the tracker). The correct answer with how each clue is related will be posted once the postal is full.

Warning - A few of the clues may give people pause. Trust me the clues will work and the correct answer will be tamer than some of the clues allude. Also promised this one is not directly about Pittsburgh or local sports team. Had 19 people request that this continues through the summer. So don your thinking caps and fire up google.

1. Denver and Dallas
2. Nashville and Newark, NJ
4. Drones?


  1. Don't PanicProfileContactLogbookNote
  2. Una Marlee SueProfileContactLogbookNote
  3. Penguin_Girl22ProfileContactLogbookNote
  4. Boxer Lover47ProfileContactLogbookNote
  5. Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
  6. MamaSamaProfileContactLogbookNote
  7. RebiccolaProfileContactLogbookNote
  8. JampersandJProfileContactLogbookNote
  9. beasterbProfileContactLogbookNote
  10. IrishRefProfileContactLogbookNote


Finds Summary
1.Don't Panic
2.Una Marlee Sue
4.Boxer Lover47