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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #299139

Zulu's Drake Hand-carvedIndoorsSnowflakeBikeUrbanWheelchairPuzzle

Bothell, WA
PlantedOctober 20, 2018
ModifiedMay 14, 2019
Fostered byFoster me!
Keywordskidfriendly restaurant familyfriendly business
LocationBothell, WA
CarverStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
Twilight2000ProfileContactLogbookNoteunknownMay 25, 2019ffffxaverage

Box Comments

Ned the RavenProfileContactLogbookNote
Came by today to try again and the person at the counter knew exactly what I was talking about this time. But he said the "letterbox girl" (lol) came by and took it! Hopefully owner is just doing some maintenance and will bring it back? Twilight2000 let me know when it's back, please! :)
Ned the RavenProfileContactLogbookNote
(deleting and re-posting this as just a comment to see if I can remove my "attempt") The person at the counter couldn't find it, but he was kinda busy. I'm going to come try again another day. Delete
Cool place. Even cooler drake.
Vintage DisneyProfileContactLogbookNote
Thanks for your carve! Busy game store!
Snoopy JillProfileContactLogbookNote
I hath finished thine quest to first find ye olde letterbox. Does thou have anymore adventures for me?