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Atlas Quest
Box #293607

Tour the Fort IX: Fort Foster (9) Hand-carvedWalkFee-areaFirst-aid

Fort Foster Park, Pocahontas Rd, Kittery, ME
PlantedMay 25, 2018
ModifiedSeptember 13, 2020
LocationFort Foster Park, Pocahontas Rd, Kittery, ME
NameStatus Last FoundF-SummaryFindability
1.Battery Chapin
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
unknownFeb 21, 2023ffffxxffffaverage
2.Navigation Pedestal
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeAug 19, 2019Strikeoutffffffxxxximpossible
3.Battery Bohlen
by ATVRacerProfileContactLogbookNote
activeApr 15, 2021fffffxxfxxchallenging
4.Fort Foster Sign
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeSep 27, 2018Strikeoutfffffffxxxchallenging
5.Mine Control Tower
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeFeb 21, 2023ffffffffffgood
6.Mine Casement
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeFeb 21, 2023ffffffffffgood
7.Bird's Eye View
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeFeb 21, 2023fffffffffgood
8.Fire Control Tower
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeSep 16, 2022ffffffffffgood
9.Battery 205
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
activeSep 8, 2019Strikeoutfffffffxxxchallenging

Box Comments

1 - had a torn bag (weedwhacked) - retaped the bottom and placed entirely under 2 rocks.
6 - bag was torn up & wouldn't close. Replaced with a silver camo bag and covered with a rock.
7 - couldn't find it but area was pretty tough to get to so only checked the tiny x.
Little footProfileContactLogbookNote
Thank you for the tour. This place is awesome!
Checked pretty thoroughly for Box 2, Navigation Pedestal . . . no luck.

There was no 'pile of stones' at rear of large spruce for Box 3, Battery Bohlen; they had been rearranged into a circle (perhaps by some children?). Looked under all the stones . . . no luck.

Area under second spruce had been recently weedwhacked; now totally devoid of plant growth. Found two torn pieces of dark brown duct tape (one marked, 'Fort Foster Sign'); perhaps the pouch was caught by the weedwhacker. Looked around but did not find the carve.

Searched awhile for Box 9, Battery 205 . . . to no avail.
Found the 2 - the rest of the park was way to busy to look safely!
Found 5 of 9. At least 3 were found in the wrong spots like someone had found them and thrown them back in the wrong place. We think 1 and 3 are gone. 4 and 7 may still be around but there is currently too much plant growth/ground cover to determine. Loved the fort. Thanks for bringing us here.
I couldn’t find the first two. I don’t think the first one is there any more, but I hope I am wrong. I will be back to see if I can find the rest. I was at a family function and time was limited for looking for stamps.
Thanks for the letterboxes. We are a family with little ones and this is a fun adventure.
A beautiful day to be at the Fort looking for stamps and enjoying the sun and waves along the ocean walk. Thanks very much!
Birding GrannyProfileContactLogbookNote
Nice carves! Thanks for planting.
#1 was surrounded by wasps. Will come back later.
#7 we had no idea where it was. wondering is all the shrubbery covered the stone wall?