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A Letterboxing Community

Atlas Quest
Box #13629

Bandstand Ecoscavenger Webbox Hand-carved

PlantersLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
OwnerLone RProfileContactLogbookNote
CarversStatus Last Found
by Lone RactiveAug 17, 2009

Box Comments

We have just begun to letterbox and found this an easy way to start. Thanks!
This was really fun - finding the information and then "checking in". :) Thanks for a new letterboxing experience!
Landmark LeapstersProfileContactLogbookNote
The park was full today of kids - but that didn't seem to make a difference for this kind of letterbox! Thanks for another unique letterboxing experience.
Landmark Leapsters
This was a pleasant spot to visit. We stopped for a while to watch the kids playing in the playground and the joggers running past. Thanks!
Lone RProfileContactLogbookNote
From my old online guestbook:

Nana - 2006-09-06
Thanks LoneR...this was my first webbox...what a great park!