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Read Thread: fleas?

Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Oct 31, 2007 10:37pm
Thread (disabled) Board
I did a search for fleas but found nothing......please tell me what a flea is.......thanks
Re: fleas?
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #148175 by QueenMother'n'CloudWalker
Oct 31, 2007 10:41pm
Thread (disabled) Board
a flea is what happens when cooties and hitchhikers meet in sprite and highlander's back yard and take lessons from the squirrels...


it is a hybrid box, small, and can be planted on someone like a cootie, or left in a box like a hitchhiker, or left in a hitchhiker like a parasite, or mailed in a postal...however it moves, just so long as it moves.

night writer
Re: fleas?
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #148176 by Romana
Oct 31, 2007 11:01pm
Thread (disabled) Board what is the difference between a parasite and a flea?

it is a hybrid box, small, and can be planted on someone like a cootie, or left in a box like a hitchhiker, or left in a hitchhiker like a parasite, or mailed in a postal...however it moves, just so long as it moves.

night writer
Re: fleas?
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #148178 by QueenMother'n'CloudWalker
Nov 1, 2007 3:40am
Thread (disabled) Board
a parasite is a hitchhiker that only hitches rides from one hitchhiker to the next. it is carried places by boxers that carry the hitchhiker it is attached to. and when that boxer has two hitchhikers in thier possession, it moves to another hitchhiker.

a flea can be stuffed anywhere to move it along. you can pretend it is a parasite and stick it in the bag with a hitchhiker. you can pretend it is a hitchhiker and stick it in any box you find. you can slide it into any postal that leaves your possession (if it doesn't weigh much), you can pretend it is a cootie and sneak up behind another boxer and drop it in the open pocket of their backpack, or the hood of their jacket, or (insert your favorite method of cootieing here). As long as the poor little thing keeps moving, nobody cares how it moves.

night writer who should either be sleeping (too many nerves) or working on her nano novel (too excited to go to england) but is hanging out at AQ instead...
Re: fleas?
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #148198 by Romana
Nov 1, 2007 9:42am
Thread (disabled) Board
wow---------very interesting :o) Thanks for clearing this up for me. I think I'll print it out and keep it in my logbook for future reference!

a parasite is a hitchhiker that only hitches rides from one hitchhiker to the next. it is carried places by boxers that carry the hitchhiker it is attached to. and when that boxer has two hitchhikers in thier possession, it moves to another hitchhiker.

a flea can be stuffed anywhere to move it along. you can pretend it is a parasite and stick it in the bag with a hitchhiker. you can pretend it is a hitchhiker and stick it in any box you find. you can slide it into any postal that leaves your possession (if it doesn't weigh much), you can pretend it is a cootie and sneak up behind another boxer and drop it in the open pocket of their backpack, or the hood of their jacket, or (insert your favorite method of cootieing here). As long as the poor little thing keeps moving, nobody cares how it moves.
Re: fleas?
Board: Hitchhikers, Cooties, and Fleas
Reply to: #148198 by Romana
Nov 1, 2007 9:50am
Thread (disabled) Board
Night writer's description/definition is far more thorough than what's currently in the AQ glossary - great job!

Might there be any interest in updating the glossary with it?
