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Read Thread: for Ryan and Rhode Islanders

for Ryan and Rhode Islanders
Board: Yakking It Up
Jan 14, 2019 7:49am
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Re: for Ryan and Rhode Islanders
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #970297 by Grrly Girl
Jan 14, 2019 8:13am
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what am I doing wrong?
I can't make a Tiny URL

I've never used Tiny URL so I can't help you there, but the first thing you can do to make the link shorter is cut off everything after the question mark and that will shorten it to

Which is a perfectly usable URL. This trick doesn't necessarily work with all URLs, but looking at all of the the text after the question mark, it includes terms like "source", "email campaign", "medium=email", etc., so it was pretty obvious to me that none of that is really essential. It's just used to track you and let them know where you got the URL, but none of it is needed for the actual page.

AQ doesn't accept the symbol ")" as part of the URL, mostly because it's not uncommon for people to write something like "I love Atlas Quest (," and in that situation, a parenthesis is NOT part of the URL. It really shouldn't be used in URLs either, so AQ won't accept it as a URL and everything that comes after it will get cut off. Which, in this case, didn't matter because nothing that came after it was important for the URL to work.

-- Ryan

PS. I was in Poland last year for "Donut day." It was delicious. =)
Re: for Ryan and Rhode Islanders
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #970297 by Grrly Girl
Jan 14, 2019 9:12am
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I’ll have to pick up a few then box in Pulaski Park!

Warrior Woman
needs to get up there more often