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Read Thread: Kitchener/Waterloo box recommendations for a visitor

Kitchener/Waterloo box recommendations for a visitor
Board: Province: Ontario
Oct 4, 2018 7:55pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Hello my Canadian letterboxers! I'll be up visiting with family for the Thanksgiving holiday and decided to see what was around the Kitchener/Waterloo area and wow so many boxes to choose from!!

So the question is with the holidays, visiting the many relatives and limited vehicle access are there any boxes in particular you'd recommend taking time to find?

I'd love to find all of them of course but think will just have to find a few each time I visit, but hoping ya'll have some good suggestions!
Re: Kitchener/Waterloo box recommendations for a visitor
Board: Province: Ontario
Reply to: #966414 by Cluingforlooks
Oct 4, 2018 9:59pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Contact Fiddleheads. She's actually in Guelph, but would be the one most familiar with that area of the province.

Have fun, eh?

Re: Kitchener/Waterloo box recommendations for a visitor
Board: Province: Ontario
Reply to: #966417 by Jiggs
Oct 5, 2018 2:25pm
Thread (disabled) Board
I'd recommend Ladies of the 80s (and the other 80s boxes left from an event several years ago). The woods are beautiful, the boxes aren't too far apart, and there are some cool elements.

The other approach I might take is to go to Huron Natural Area and see what boxes might still be there. It's a lovely little spot, and boxes would be a bonus.

You might want to have a look at the Unwanted Pets. They're all urban/lamp post boxes, so they're quick and parking lots will probably be deserted on Monday. There are many of them; you might find one within walking distance of where you're staying.

If you feel like coming to Guelph, the Early Bedtime Essentials would be the one's I'd recommend.

Message me if you have any questions. :)