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Read Thread: The Nun

The Nun
Board: Movie Moments
Sep 9, 2018 4:03pm
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Being a huge fan of the Conjuring series, I could not wait to see The Nun.

Set in Romania the movie begins with two nuns standing at a door marked with wording that I believe could be Latin (?) maybe???? Later you learn it reads "God ends here". One enters, the other stays and prays. You then hear screaming and the nun who enter returns, bloodied and distraught. She hands the praying nurse a strange key and tells her "you know what you must do" and something about not being the vessel. The hapless nun is then dragged away and the praying nun runs away. The running nun then hurries to her room, grabs a rope and as evil THE NUN is approaching, this nun takes her life.

Her body is then found by a local farmer, a French Canadian, who settled there after the war and who delivers food to abbey. Word of her suicide reaches the Vatican and they send priest who specializes in "miracles" and a young American novitiate Sister Irene, who for reasons not given is in London England, to investigate why a nun who kill herself.

Having provided the basic premise of the movie, I will move on to my Kitty Paws:

One Kitty Paw for Taissa Farmiga's performance as Sister Irene.
One Kitty Paw for some excellent jumps.
One Kitty Paw for oddly enough, well timed comedic zingers.

Overall, I do recommend it. But for me, being such a huge fan of this series and James Wan, who directed both of the Conjurings, I think I was a little disappointed. James Wan did not direct this movie and I believe it would have totally elevated my ratings had he.

For me, there was too much choppiness. I felt the beginning dialogue was a bit choppy. I felt the Father Burke's past experience was a little choppy and I felt the explanation of the abbey was choppy.

Possible spoilers********* Continue at your own risk.

The Nun does provide an interesting little twist/tie in at the end. I saw it coming and if you are a huge Conjuring fan, maybe you will see it coming too. PLUS, maybe you will pick up on a second one. I had my suspicions confirmed but I won't say when. (I don't want to give anything away). But I have no doubt that there will be at least one more in the series.

Re: The Nun
Board: Movie Moments
Reply to: #965092 by Captain Slick Kitty
Sep 10, 2018 9:14pm
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So, I follow Bloody-Disgusting on Facebook. It's a website/facebook page dedicated to scary movies. Tonight it featured a ranking of the 5 "Conjuring" films that include the doll and the nun. According to their rankings
5) Annabelle
4) The Nun
3) Annabell the Creation
2) The Conjuring 2
1) The Conjuring

I sooooooo disagree with their ranking. My rankings are as followed:
4) Annabelle The Creation
3) The Nun
2) Conjuring 2/Annabelle
1) The Conjuring

Anyhooooo.... I just thought I would share.