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Read Thread: Slasher Season 2

Slasher Season 2
Board: Television: After the Show Ends
Jul 8, 2018 7:04pm
Thread (disabled) Board
After enjoying the first season, we naturally decided to check out season two.

The premise is semi-typical and is as followed. A bunch of camp counselors decided to punish a manipulating co-counselor and things spin out of control.

5 years later, as the land the camp once operated on, but closed because of the counselor's mystery disappearance and presumed death, is sold. So the old gang gets back together to move the body, only to discover that the body is gone.

Then one by one, they get killed by a mysterious masked murderer.

I really wanted to like this series. I really wanted to recommend it but I can't. I personally don't like the type of movies or shows where "hey we are being slaughtered but let's split up or go outside by ourselves with no weapons, cuz I got this." This has me rolling my eyes. No one in the real world would do this.

Additionally, there were a scene that is violent and someone gets assaulted in a horrible way and it was NOT necessary. Not in the least.

I guessed who it was and googled it to confirm my guess and I was surprised to learn that many people liked season 2 more than season 1. I believe it's because of the sick "twist" of an ending. I did not see the sick "twist" coming, despite having guessed the killer. But since I don't want to give away the "twist", I will simply say the sick "twist" was not appealing to me for various reasons.

And oddly enough, I was put out by the "re-use" of actors, not their characters, but actors from Season 1. So, that was "interesting#notinteresting."

Since I do not recommend this series, I will withhold my Kitty Paw ratings.
