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Read Thread: The Headless Horseman Strikes again!

The Headless Horseman Strikes again!
Board: State: California
Jun 30, 2018 6:35am
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Having spent a restless night at the local Inn, you choke down what the barmaid called "coffee". "Tis a shame there isn't any Novadollars on every street corner outside of New York," you mutter to yourself as you consume the last of your breakfast.

Young Master Nesbeth, having already finished his meal was picking his teeth, silently contemplating.

"Has the Horseman taken your tongue this morning? You seem too quiet," you half heartily complain.

Shaking awake, he looks at you. "No, Good Inspector. I had that particular dream again last night."

You snort, loudly. "Are you referring to the one where there are flying machines that take you to foreign lands in a matter of mere hours?"

Somberly, he shook his head. "No, Good Inspector. It was the one about plays being shown on a big wall. You remember, from a bright light in the back to the wide wall in front. The moving plays, I call it."

You chuckle. "Young man, you have a grand imagination but here in 1790, your imagination will not get you far!"

Ignoring you, he replied, "You were in it. You were being played by a well known actor, very popular with the ladies."

Nodding your head, you concede. "Oh, aye. Played by some actor with a ridiculously name like 'Johnny', and who lacks depth."

Reaching out, you had pat his shoulder with kindness. "Come my good man! We have an actual murder to solve."

Standing up, you toss a few coins on the table. Knowing you still have several days ride ahead of you, you exit the Inn and immediately see your driver speaking with a strange, young man. The driver points to you and the young man hurries to stand before you.

"Are you Inspector Crane?" he asks, nearly out of breath.

"Oh, aye!"

Extending his hand you see he has a letter posted to you.

Giving him a coin, you take it.

Ripping it open, you quickly scan it. The news is grim. Your face sinks. This is noticed by Young Master Nesbeth.

"More deaths?" he asks.

Breathing in deeply, you nod your head. "Aye and a missing man. Apparently Jonas Hutichson, a local trapper, was traveling with his brother Abner Hutchison and Abner appear to be missing. More importantly the Governor's man is certain that Jonas' body was placed where it was found and his body staged."

"So, he was killed in one place and then moved?" Nesbeth asked, to clarify.

In response, you nod.

Together you step into the Governor's Carriage. From your carpet bag, you pull out the file Mr. Irving gave you back in New York. Opening it up, you begin to read:

Baltus Van Tassel was born to poor farmer parents, Bartholomew and Amity Van Tassel. After Baltus, came his sister Prudence. Due to Scarlet Fever, Prudence lost her sight at age 4. Baltus deeply loved his sister and was very protective of her.

Baltus Van Tassel loved to read. He was an avid fan of Julius Caesar. He loved tracking the stars with his sister. He loved creating sensory boxes for Prudence. But he loved creating puzzles, riddles and codes for his school friends more.

At age 11, Bartholomew died and Amity sent Baltus to Cairo, Egypt, to be with her brother, Howard Carter. Together, Baltus and Howard, an Egyptologist, discovered tombs of the great Pharaohs. During this time, Baltus kept in contact with childhood friend, Grace Van Bethuyson, even sending her gifts from the tombs they discovered and reportedly raided.

Upon his uncle's death, Baltus returned to Sleepy Hollow, only to find his mother and sister greatly impoverished and highly malnourished. His family's dire state prompted Baltus to cut off all further contact with the love of his life, Grace Van Bethuyson and pursue the rich and land-laden Haticia, aka Hattie Price. Together, they had one child, Katrina Van Tassel.

Despite their vast lifestyle improvement, both Amity and Prudence died five years into the marriage. Baltus was besides himself. Then Hattie followed them to the grave and Baltus was free to pursue the love of his life, Grace. But she refused him, never having forgiven him for being dumped by him for Hattie.

To console himself and fend off his loneliness, Baltus took to riding the south end of the property. Initially it was believed that he intended to contact the Governor of New York about the mystery surrounding the Headless Horseman. But after interviewing his daughter, Katrina, it is now believed that Baltus initially made a home visit to Patience Hall. It was this visit that prompted his immediate desire to post his letter to the Governor. Katrina, herself, professes to not knowing what the letter entailed.
Patience Hall was a recluse woman who was accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch trials. Baltus, having known the kind woman from childhood, balked at the notion and offered her safe haven in the rocky and ridge-filled land in the south. While Baltus never charged rent for the cave she inhabited, he considered her presence there a win-win. Nicknamed the "Pickety Witch" by the Salem and Sleepy Hollow people alike, many avoided Patience and that section of his property out of fear of her. Since her arrival, Baltus never had to worry about trespassers in that area.

Since it was well known that the Headless Horseman was the true culprit in Baltus' death, no contact has been made with Patience.

Closing your eyes, you pause to think. Perhaps she would be the first person to interview. Having made this mental note, you dive back into the file.

List of Victims:
Baltus Van Tassel- Killed
Brandy Van Eyck, barmaid for Sleepy Hollow Tavern-Killed
Elijah Bloodgoode, Wigmaker, salesman-Killed
Jonas Hutchison, trapper-Killed
Abner Hutchison, trapper-Missing, Presumed Killed
Rufus Moody, town drunk-Chased but not killed
Arthur Miller, Salesman-Chased but not killed
Thaddeus Bradford, farmer-Chased but not killed

Leaning back, you close your eyes. You allow your body to sway to the rocking of the carriage. The victims seem to be at random. Yes. Perhaps at the wrong place at the wrong time.

A sudden chill comes over you and your body shudders. Deep inside you are afraid. Very afraid.