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Read Thread: Has anyone else seen "Nailed It!"?

Has anyone else seen "Nailed It!"?
Board: Television: After the Show Ends
Apr 25, 2018 10:43pm
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So, the husband and I can never agree on any TV show. But I saw Nailed It! on Netflix and thought "oh, I will just put this on". But OMG!

The premise is simple. We have all seen those Facebook posts about the perfect cake and someone's sad attempt to re-create it, with the tag line "Nailed It!" and everyone laughs at the horrible failure it is. Well, they made a baking show about it.

Being too honest here, one cake made me laugh so hard and suddenly, that food actually flew out of my mouth.

However, the sushi cake episode . . . I have to tell you, I just might try it!

But more importantly, Netflix has green-lit a second season! Yes!
