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Read Thread: "Dancin' in the Streets!" LTCs

"Dancin' in the Streets!" LTCs
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Mar 25, 2018 2:07pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Hey Y'all!
We've set up an LTC swap for our the 12th annual Grateful Letterboxers "Dancin' In The Streets!" event which will be held in July at Lorraine Campground in Andover MA. Please join if you are interested and also consider donating your stamp to our event! Here's the link for the LTC tracker:

This year's themes include :
"Dance Steps & Styles" will be the main series of planted carvings:

The "Peanuts Dance Party" stamps will be used for Grateful Row boxes:

We will have two night box sets - "Famous Street Signs":
...... and "Grateful Signs":

If your stamp fits one of the tracker themes and you're willing to donate a stamp or three for permanent planting, we would be MOST Grateful!!!! Just sign-up for the tracker and list your creation!!!

The listing is currently open for 12 people, but that could be increased in there is more interest! Please plan to initially send 14 cards so we may use the 2 extras as door prizes. It is important to be prompt with the due date.

Thanks - Have a Grateful Day!!! ;o)