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Read Thread: Peaky Blinders Season 4, what a mess!!!! So disappointed.

Peaky Blinders Season 4, what a mess!!!! So disappointed.
Board: Television: After the Show Ends
Jan 1, 2018 11:40am
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Before I begin, this is a huge rant. I am going to give away spoilers, so if you haven't seen the whole season, please don't read any further.

To begin with, I truly enjoy this show, despite that it's graphic and has a lot of adult related moments that I don't care for. So, image how excited I was for Season 4 . . . until I watched it.

This season was a huge mess.

Talk about a major disappointment. They should have given more time, i.e. episodes for a better story development and should have gone with someone better for Luca Changretta.

Everyone was all over the place.

The threading story line of The Black Hand, revenge for Sabino. Great. Wonderful idea. Brought the family "together" after Tommy arrested everyone of them at the end of the last season. But everyone and the side stories are a disaster.

First, Polly is seeing dead people and tripping out, spewing hate towards Tommy one minute and she's of sound mind the next and his most loyal advocate. WHAT?????

Then John gets killed. WHY????? So they can push poor Finn into the family mess. But Finn was the baby and didn't have the war-torn scars like Tommy, Arthur and John did. So, he's no real help and his character is weak.

And then Adrian "take that damn tooth pick outta-your mouth" Brody. Can you see my eyes rolling here, folks. I felt like I was watching a dude trying to be a young GodFather, most of the time. He did have a few moments, granted. But most of the time, I just stood in disbelieve in how stupid he looked.

And then the whole side story of "the British are coming" for the revolution and the revolutionaries with Ada was just ridiculous. Granted the captain who speaks with her was good looking, but it was pointless. That whole side story was pointless. It never panned out.

Arthur's religious and God fearing wife coming at him at work.

Liz getting pregnant with Tommy's baby.

Tommy getting involved with the Communist Jesse Eden.

And then they set up Michael to choose Polly or Tommy, but Polly and Tommy are on the same side. So, why did they do this to him????

And don't get me started with Alfie and his betrayal. WHY??? Especially since the man was dying. Why do you betray a man you respect and considered for the most part a friend as you are dying????

And above all, Thomas Shelby going into hiding????? Is he a thug or is this him growing up??? What is this???? Cuz the Peaky Blinders have a reputation to hold up and it's not going into hiding.

All of it was just ridiculous.

Now granted, this show is set up for all this drama to be solved with Tommy pulling something out of no where at the last minute and beating his adversaries. Okay. Yes. I get it. I love it. But who they come up with- Al Capone outta now where and the gun men just putting their guns down . . . . who thought this was great tv???? It wasn't. It was pathetic and not Peaky Blinders gutsy!!!

And then winning the election . . . . Oh!!!!!!! I am just going to leave it with that. That and Happy New Years.
