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Read Thread: Project Life?

Project Life?
Board: Scrapbooking
May 13, 2013 5:28pm
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Any Project Life fans out there in AQ world? I am working on my first year, doing 4 books though. One for each child and a family book. I am so excited that PL is coming to Hobby Lobby. If you are not familiar with it. Let me just say it is a very simplistic way of scrapbooking for all of us who long to scrap but simply dont have the time or creativity to do a traditional book.
Take a look here for more info.

Re: Project Life?
Board: Scrapbooking
Reply to: #775692 by The hicks from the sticks
May 14, 2013 3:29pm
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Thank you for the link. I started scrap booking with my firstborn. His book got up to month 8 (he's 10 years old), my second born's book is up to month 5 (she is 8), for my third child (5 years old) I have an empty book, a stack of paper (that I'm now dipping into for LTCs) and a box of pictures, my 4th child (age 3 1/2) recently began asking me, "where is MY picture?" since I didn't even have one on the wall. I printed some pictures, put 1 in a frame and that is all. PL looks doable.

Re: Project Life?
Board: Scrapbooking
Reply to: #775692 by The hicks from the sticks
Sep 29, 2013 10:11pm
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Wow! That looks pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing, I'd never heard of it before.... :-)
Re: Project Life?
Board: Scrapbooking
Reply to: #775692 by The hicks from the sticks
Sep 30, 2013 9:15am
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Haven't had enough time to even carve these days. project life looks fun but i got so much "traditional" scrapbook stuff i'm still doing that.

way behind on the Scrapping thing
Re: Project Life?
Board: Scrapbooking
Reply to: #808104 by deniserows
Sep 30, 2013 6:35pm
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project life looks fun but i got so much "traditional" scrapbook stuff i'm still doing that.

Thats the cool part. You can still use all that traditional knowledge and stuff. Just now your "pages" are 4x6 or 3x4. then they all go into a sleeve to create a 12x12 layout. add a couple a photos that you do not have to embellish or cut and voila! Your page is done. I do it even more simple that that. and just add 4x6 photo and 3x4 cards that are pre printed to fill the slots and my page is done. 2 pages to a week in our lives.

It forces us to take photos of everyday life and not always posed photos. the kids were shoe shopping the other day and said "Hey Mom! Project LIfe." I grabbed my phone took a photo and carried on. a couple weeks later the kids are telling stories about things that happened that day. when they see that simple photo. =)

sorry its so long winded. I am just very excited in the simplicity of project life.
