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Read Thread: Peace... in Estonian

Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Apr 30, 2013 6:29pm
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One of the things I've been trying to do is go find boxes that have been out there longer and may be listed as abandoned, or not found as much just because they haven't been found in a long time. I think a lot of boxers don't like to do the longer hikes anymore or don't want to go after things if they're not sure it's there.

Anyway, this box is in place and it's in great shape. Josef (aka Hello from Joe) hasn't been an active letterboxer in a long time. I got word from a mutual friend that he's moved on, and he wouldn't mind me adopting his boxes, but AQ policy states that he'd have to log in and transfer them to me. I understand why... que sera.

Anyway, I have some notes on the clue, since this box was planted in 2006, but I can't write them on the clue ot the box, so I'll say them here:

I got really lost when I tried to find it! The trail pretty much disappears and I spent some aimless time trying to find it again. I didn't care, since i had the GPS app on my phone and could easily have found my way back to the car, but I really wanted to regain the trail. After the vernal pool on the left, Joe notes that there's a fork and he says not to go left. Well... trust me, going left worked a lot better for me. I know this because after I somehow regained the trail and followed it, I was very careful to follow the trail back to the start, and I came out on the side I would have, had I gone left.

For a chunk in the middle of the hike, you're following very faded white blazes. They're hard to spot and there aren't many, so keep your eyes open.

The tree he mentions with the lightning scar near the last intersection you come to has fallen over. It's now a barkless log laying across the path you would be going down if you didn't turn like he tells you to in the directions.

The trail is hard to follow in some spots due to downed logs and other debris obscuring it. There just aren't many blazes and it doesn't seem well-traveled, so please go in pairs, at least, so you can help each other out! Pay close attention. :) It's not a very long walk, and you'll see some really cool rock formations. Joe always finds good hiding spots away from the trail where the boxes stay safe.

I love his message of spreading peace! :) Happy hunting!
Re: Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #773273 by Brandy
May 1, 2013 4:52am
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thanks! i put them in the notes on that box.
Re: Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #773273 by Brandy
May 1, 2013 11:04am
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I too have been searching for long forgotten old boxes lately, while out boxing for newer ones!

I found Rec Park in Columbia without clues (evidently, I still can remember where boxes are when I walk past them.... My brain goes, "There's one over there, and one over there....."

Anyway, I adopted the box on LBNA yesterday and put it back on active status. (For some reason the clues on the page were gone and the box was archived) I did some maintenance on it and it's ready for visitors again!

Happy Hunting!

Re: Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #773438 by Bungalow Boxer
May 2, 2013 5:01am
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Would you believe I STILL haven't found that one? ;) The clues have been in my clue binder for years now.
Re: Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #773648 by Brandy
May 2, 2013 5:51am
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If you have the clues, can you type them in an e-mail and send them to me? I don't know how good my brain is at remembering HOW to get to the box ;-). For some reason the clues were gone on LBNA.

Re: Peace... in Estonian
Board: State: Connecticut
Reply to: #773658 by Bungalow Boxer
May 2, 2013 5:57am
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Yes, later tonight. :)

Did you get my AQ message?