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Read Board: Yakking It Up

by Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Airplanes and Spaceships
by DarkZen and Evil Cow PieProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
It only took 66 years from the Wright brothers first flight to landing on the moon. From the invention of the motorcycle to the first backflip on a motorcycle took... ... about 120 years! Another fun fact: the Wright brothers entire first flight was...
by Grrly GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
first intentional and successful From the invention of the motorcycle to the first backflip on a motorcycle took... ... about 120 years!
by cooledcoyoteProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
I did one amazing 360 high speed spin on a bicycle once that bent my back wheel 45 degrees, don’t ask me how, but it saved my life when a car pulled out in front of me, and if seems I’ve been dealing with those drivers forever after.
by DarkZen and Evil Cow PieProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
first intentional and successful True... and funny! 😄
by Grrly GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
When one obituary appeared in The New Orleans Times-Picayune last year, it was quickly called one of the funniest obituaries ever — and for good reason The obituary was for New Orleans firefighter William Ziegler, 69, and it was truly hysterical, yet...
by BaliWhoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Gotta read message boards more regularly! Missed out on this one! Boo. have fun all!
by CrazyolisProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Hi, My daughter wants to do a community service type of project. She is inspired by 'feel good' things, she did a "16 Random Acts of Kindness" when she turned 16. She did things like take cookies to the firehouse, toys to the childrens hospital, gave...
by PeaceLovePiano and MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
1st I just want to say that your daughter's projects make me so happy! I think spreading a little hope is wonderful! (and people so desperately need a little hope!). I got a case of the warm fuzzies just reading your post! Grant worthy? I think so. So...
by PiggyJauntProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
This is when I'd put a plug in for local government. If you're in a smaller town, find out who is on town council and send them an email outlining what you want to do. They should be able to tell you all about who to contact to get the right permits an...
by aMAZEing adventure frogProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
by Wise WandererProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
I agree with contacting the town council to get information about permits and requirements. When she knows precisely what she needs, I think contacting local non-profits and businesses to solicit donations of the materials (Home Depot has a foundation...
by DarkZen and Evil Cow PieProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
In a previous time I was a contractor so I’ve done my share of dealing with municipalities. In my opinion there are things that need to be done before concerning yourself with funding. Have your daughter draft up a proposal. In it include the aim of t...
by CrazyolisProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Thanks for the ideas! More to add to her To Do list!
by Wry MeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Middle school NJHS groups have mandatory community service hours. They could spend that fundraising &/or helping with the project itself.
by Lowland LassProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
In our area several of the banks have community grant programs. That might be another place to look. Maybe check the local paper. Often groups that give these types of small grants get coverage in the local paper - that might give you some other local...
by Grrly GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Are you secretly Wassa? No wait, I've met both of you. But not at the same time. Hmmm. You wear glasses, Wassa doesn't. See? No glasses. Wassa claims his real name is Mark. "Th...
by speedsquareProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
That’s wassa demonstrating cheese racing, if I recall correctly.
by wassamatta uProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
That’s wassa demonstrating cheese racing, if I recall correctly. As made famous in Story and Song, as well as the AQ Glossary...
by Grrly GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Efikz Emporio Do it when you have time to tarry a bit. I found myself engulfed by the beauty and oddness of the images.
by Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Interesting steampunk images.
This annual tradition will close tomorrow night. Check it out for some fun and friendly competition and chance to win stamps. Jeff
As we’ve said before, if you watch any football during the holidays, this pool will make even the most insignificant bowl exciting. Thanks so much Foraych, for bringing joy to our lives.
by SherlockMilesProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
The only thing better than snowflake theme is snow flakes and snowdeer and snowmen! Cheeks are hurting from grinning.
by RebiccolaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Sumo Wrestlers Sign Autographs With Their Giant Handprints Wish I could stamp my Christmas cards that fast.
by Quite ContraryProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
It is mesmerizing to watch. The rhythmic slap slap slap is oddly calming.
by Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Wish I could stamp my Christmas cards that fast. If your cards were large enough you could do exactly the same thing. Did you notice the size of the ink pad though?
by JampersandJProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Talk about inky fingers!
by Oberon_KenobiProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
If we don't have our personal stamp don't we use our thumbprint? The sumos do the same thing, but on a larger scale.
by TopcollectorProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Yakking It Up
Wow, my arm would be dead.