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Read Board: State: Maine

by Daytrippers 54ProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
We certainly hope someone found and returned your backpack ?
by TeacupProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
oh yes. Nittany and company left just after we did and found it. They brought it with them to the cemetery where they were gong and Mud and I had just headed. Odd thing is that Mud got a text asking if she had a camo backpack and I said I did if som...
by Blueberry BeachProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Adding our Thanks to everyone who helped make this Letterboxer's Christmas "Toys for Tots" so special. The tables full of gifts brought many warm feelings on a cold and breezy day! Extra car blankets being put to good use as capes with hoods! Shiveri...
by Basset MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Thanks again to everyone from us as well. It was a lot of fun and I think we're getting the feeling for the whole "event" thing now! Enjoyed getting to chat with some new folks, yet again. Loved to see all the toys, also, and the music playing ... I...
by Basset MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
What was the little series of the Christmas flowers/plants called? (4 stamps)
by angel treadsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Christmas Cactus by Nittany, but I don't think they've been listed yet!
by TeacupProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
I second your comments, Jan!
by Happy DazeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Our event was a tremendous success. This was our 9th Letterboxers' Christmas Event. At this point, we have provided the children of Southern Maine with approximately 3,350 toys and other items to date. We couldn't do this event if it would not be for...
by TeacupProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Awesome for you folks as you spearhead and encourage us all to participate.
by Basset MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
by TeacupProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
I don't usually take a public stand but I am disgusted. I will take some responsibility here for not stating "no black ink, please" but really? The Reindeer Round-Up was on loan to us for Letterboxers Christmas event. We could sit inside in the warm...
by Warrior WomanProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Iā€™m going to give you a hug in advance for the all color Represented! stamps you are putting out for the LLBean Final Flight event that will be all black within the first hour of the event. Warrior Woman can feel your pain from here
by Happy DazeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
So along the lines of Teacups rant. I have one as well. We planted the Wizard of Oz series in a cemetery two days before the event and a stamp has gone missing. Not happy about it since it should not have happened the day of the event. Four groups...
by JampersandJProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
By chance, could some muggles have seen a group of boxers put the box back, investigated, and take the stamp?
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
It was a cold, rainy and VERY windy day... the only people crazy enough to be in a cemetery poking around were boxers - all noxers were smart enough to stay inside next to their woodstove holding their cup of Allen's Coffee Brandy ;)
by BaliWhoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
One thing I noticed at my recently hosted event was that some people were not rehiding the boxes as they found them. I don't know why, if they figured more people were coming so they'd make it easier for them, or what? But, at some point, someone is...
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
There were 12 of us looking under every headstone anywhere near where it was supposed to be.... I thought we were going to loose MissAdventure under one of them she was in so deep! šŸ˜œ
by photopamProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
I don't know why the basic tenet of 'hiding better than you found it' doesn't apply at events, but it seems like people get lax about it. I noticed this at L&B xx, some people just tossed the stamp in the area it was hiding. We almost didn't find one.
by FloridaFourProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Ive noticed in large events, people all bunch up and sometimes people take a stamp over to someone and then they got confused as to where it goes. Ive also seen people take a stamp way over to a bench or something and then it gets rehidden at the wron...
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
I have a solution for the Bean event... if people don't put the stamps back where we planted them I will never hold another Bean event again! lol
by TeacupProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
**Insert eye roll here**
by JiffyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
*** Insert double eye roll *** Jif
by Moms_PlayProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
This happen at my event too. It was a very big disappointment. Sorry about your missing stamp
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Wishing all my Maine peeps a happy turkey day! May you not over indulge to the point that you can't tie your laces - but enjoy it enough that you don't need to! Kathleen
by Daytrippers 54ProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Thanks Mud, same to you and yours and the rest of the Maine folks! I really enjoy my LLB slip ons, lol !!
by angel treadsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
And to you and yours as well, Mud! Hope you have the day off, too! N and D
by Happy DazeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Same to you Mud and your family. Ray and Susan Happydaze
by Basset MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Happy Holiday season to you, I know it'll be crazy! May you find many moments of peace, joy, and happiness amidst the LOCO! ;) Carla
by Happy DazeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Hey Kathleen... Since we had the sub zero temperatures for Thanksgiving, does that mean we will have a nice warm night for the Bean Event??? Ray
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Hmmm... January in Maine. The weather is fickle at best. If its cold outside - we'll all have warm hearts to share :) How's that for BS to shovel? As always - it's a crap shoot - but the show Will go on :) One LAST time!