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Read Board: Critter Corner

by WavesandwaterfallsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I've encountered bears multiple times while out hiking. I was way too close when hiking Kentucky Falls in Douglas County Oregon when 2 cubs came tumbling down a steep hill. Mama bear showed up about 1-2 minutes later. I didn't make a sound or move a...
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
That's so funny! Most have been adorable.
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
That's amazing!
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
That's awesome. Must have been a grizzly.
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I am from NH and live here so I can confirm this is true. Just black bears here, their pretty entertaining.
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Wow.. There were around 2 cubs, 1 mother and probably 1 lone bear around my house this summer. I saw the lone one (it was probably last season's cub) cross the road right in front of my mailbox. It was pretty amazing, and then it raided the neighbor's...
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Sure! I didn't know there would be a box there. Missed out on that one!
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Fun. The cubs are cute.
by Trailhead TessieProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I haven't seen the actual bears, but there's a corner of Connecticut where they seem to enjoy biting down on letterboxes and leaving rather impressive teeth marks. One of the containers I found like this was stuffed pretty full, and when the bear bit d...
by IrishRefProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Not while boxing. But did run into one as a teenager with just a 22 rifle. Others while driving.
by IrishRefProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I call that outdoor danger radar. It has kept me safe on many occasions. Always freaks the family out when on a trail and I stop and hush them to listen. In reality I am far more worried about snakes than bears. However, when in Idaho/Montana I did...
by IrishRefProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Oh yeah forgot, I did see a whole slew of them while boxing in Waco, Texas.
by KnottyKnitterDirtMonkeyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Nope! Thankfully! Don't want to either. I don't know if you've heard, but Alaska has lots of BIG bears.
by mattyfungosProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Going off what Tessie said, I did manage to see a black bear and her cubs in that area of CT. American Legion state park I came over a little hill and on the trail there was the mom bear, the cubs off trail to my right. Luckily, the mama bear had her b...
by LROSEMProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I feel the same way about danger radar. When you get that feeling you are being watched, you probably are!
by Lake DragonessProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Or was it a Sasquatch? We'll never know!! That is amazing. LD
by estella_naparellaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Hi! skootching dog, the Henry, and I are helping Art Gekko run an event this coming weekend, and I have a concern for Henry and poison ivy, not so much that he'll have a reaction, because from all I've read, kitties don't get poison ivy poisoning. I w...
by DarkZen and Evil Cow PieProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
If the question is poison ivy the answer is Tecnu.
by tie dye sueProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We have it in our camper for Z-penguin, who gets poison ivy when I have been near it. He looks at me and can get poison ivy if I've been in the woods.
by Sea MaidProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
wow! never even considered that the cat could bring in the poison ivy!
by estella_naparellaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We successfully avoided all the poison ivy! Currently, I think the mental stress of it was far greater than the risk itself.
by dancingpecanProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
A friend of mine who is in Connecticut, has 2 cats that she loves dearly. Unfortunately, she can't keep them where she is currently staying. Is there anyone who could foster two cats (not sure for how long) until she can move into a place that allows...
by CrazyolisProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Hey, We are starting to do research on hedge hogs. Are they good pets? Are people usually allergic to them? Do they have the scent that ferrets do? Where does one get a hedge hog? I am not crazy about buying one from a pet store. What sort of cag...
by wassamatta uProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We are starting to do research on hedge hogs. Are they good pets? Please, just be sure to name it "Spiny Norman".
by QuarryProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
by foxfriendProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We had Hedggies for years. Mainly because a friend was leading the world in Wobbly Hedgehog disorder research. Wobbly is a horrifying genetic disorder that resulted from over/in breeding in pet strains. My friend was, after years, able to identify an...
by QuarryProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Females cost more because breeders are profit motivated and do not want casual competition from pet owners.
by MrOspitalProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We bought ours an an exotic pet store in Las Vegas. She loves to eat meal worms and other bugs dead or alive. There is a bag processed pellet food available but she doesn’t care for it. As far as smell she doesn’t have an odor like the ferrets we used...
by GypsyLadybugProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I love hedgehogs. They make great pets. But with any new addition - the more research you do the better you know if it's a fit for your family. I haven't heard of anyone being allergic. But they do have fuzzy bellies - so I suppose it's possible....
by DoubleSaj and Old BlueProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
There is about 8 zillion different kind of dogs and cats, most of which are available for adoption. They have every personality imaginable. Maybe do what we've done for the last 40 years, adopt a feral or abandon cat. They need people & homes. Leave w...