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Read Thread: My Crazy Kitty

by kitty cat klubProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My kitty did the craziest thing a couple of weeks ago. I got this toy from Target that has a bell and some feathers at the end of a plastic rod. My boyfriend threw it for her and to our surprise she picked it up by the end with the feathers and brought...
by Trekkie GalProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I have the stick with the feathers but no bell. My cat will carry it around by the end with the feathers too. Unfortunately, he hasn't learned to "fetch". ;) TG
by kitty cat klubProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
It used to have longer feathers and a bell but now there is no bell and all of the feathers are very short! She is so cute.
by NaturegirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We have a tomcat with a thing for Mardi Gras beads he picks em up in his mouth and carries them around.(after he "kills" them)lol
by preboxedProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I've given up spending real money on toys for my guys....they have no interest in them what so ever. But LOVE crumpled up paper and foil. Our latest game? Rubberband Fetch. They will play for hours and won't let me stop. This has been going on fo...
by Trekkie GalProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
You should also try the safety rings from milk jugs and pipe cleaners (wrap the pipe cleaner around your finger to make a spiral). My cats love both of these. TG
by J WalkersProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
We found 14 tennis balls near one of our boxes (and near a tennis court) last Friday. We brought them home in a plastic sack. They were sitting quietly on the floor until Silhouette put her head through the handle of the bag to sniff these balls. Someh...
by stripedbassProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
One of our crazy kitties has a thing for mylar balloons with the little plastic weights attached. Whenever my dd receives one, the cat grabs the string & drags it around OR (the part that really cracks us up) she'll even brush by it and curve her fluff...
by CathCainGwenProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
so you have a cat that is a dog and we have a dog that is a cat, if you pet hr long enough she PURRS! a little rumble in the back of her throat (happy rumble)
by WoodsongProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My cats always liked the plastic rings teat come on the tops of gallon milk jugs. They would hold it in their mouths and catch the other side in a claw so it went flipping across the room. Woodsong
by deniserowsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My kitty loved to play with the foam earplugs. Every day i would give her a new one thinking they were getting batted under the fridge. WRONG. She was eating them. After a day or 2 of not eating she threw up 5 of them. Needless to say thousands...
by lisascenicProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
When I worked at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, I had a co-worker whose cat choked on the earplugs we all wore. The style we used on the jobsite was the foam-plug-on-a-string style, and kitty had the chase-anything-on-a-string gene. Poor little ca...
by Big MProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My cat, Small Frye, began fetching my pony tail holders not to long ago. She wants to play fetch constantly! She sometimes places them in my hand while I am sleeping. Unfortunately, she also makes agressive surprise attempts to take them out of my h...
by MO UR4MeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
You might be able to get her hooked on twist ties instead.
by EidolonProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
I personally would avoid twist ties since they have that thin metal wire inside... but have always been a fan of the milk rings, as has already been mentioned.
by stripedbassProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Another popular item at our house are pony beads. They make a fun noise on hard floors and can be carried conveniently by mouth or in a paw. Since they are hard plastic & small, they don't pose the same danger if swallowed (not that mine have ever show...
by kwmomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
You beat me to it! My BIG house cat-Todd-loves milk rings! In fact, the only way we usually know one has missed the trash can is when he goes flying through the kitchen with it. The other thing he "loves" are feather dusters-or anything with feathers...
by drgdlgProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My cat also seems to think she is a dog- she likes to chew on everything! Her favorite thing to chew on is Darren's ankles, followed by the couch corner, napkins, and whatever else she can find. Recently, she tried to chew on my hair, but that wasn't...
by Bungalow BoxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
My mom and I were practicing our monkey fist knots (mom was practicing, I was learning just for the heck of it) and my cat Sammy LOVES to drag the string and knot all over the house. The knot gives her something to grab onto, even with her plastic tip...
by Bungalow BoxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Check out pictures at: Music Woman
by Singing WolfProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Critter Corner
Those are so cute! What a darling cat. Oh, I miss having a kitty! Singing Wolf