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Read Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule

Welcome to the Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule board!
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Jun 17, 2005 8:15pm
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Okay, I just created this board to balance the "Boys are Gross, Girls Rule" board. So how about that Angelina Jolie, huh? She's hot, but she still has cooties. *nodding* =) -- Ryan
Re: Welcome to the Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule board!
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #4985 by Green Tortuga
Jun 17, 2005 9:12pm
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Okay Ryan, I happen to KNOW you have cooties.  Fess up!  I saw them jump in your backpack at Stewart Park!  Norasta
Re: Welcome to the Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule board!
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #4988 by Norasta
Jun 17, 2005 9:36pm
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Okay Ryan, I happen to KNOW you have cooties.  Fess up!  I saw them jump in your backpack at Stewart Park!

Well, yeah, that did happen, but I spread the love and tossed them into TGD's bag. Not sure how Brian didn't notice when I did that since I practically chucked them through his direct line of site, but I don't know what happened to them after that. =)

-- Ryan
husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Jun 30, 2005 10:21am
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There's a store in the city where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. There are only 6 floors. It states that the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. However, as your open the door to any floor you may choose any man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. So a woman goes to the store to find a husband. On the 1st floor the sign reads-these men have jobs. 2nd floor sign reads-these men have jobs and love kids. 3rd floor reads-these men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking. "Wow", she thinks but keeps going up. 4th floor reads-these men have jobs, love kids, are drop dead gorgeous and help with housework. "Oh mercy me!", she exclaims. Still she goes to the 5th floor and the sign reads-these men have jobs, love kids, are drop dead gorgeous, help with house work and have a strong romantic streak. She's so tempted to stay but goes to the 6th floor where the sign reads- you are visitor 3,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the husband store. Watch you step as you exit the building and have a nice day!
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Oct 12, 2005 3:07pm
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hi i'm kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: hi
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #9325 by System
Oct 12, 2005 3:22pm
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Hello, Kyle.

I think your keyboard is broken. :)
Re: husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #5768 by CapeCodLetterboxer
Jul 11, 2006 1:02pm
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HI!, I almost fell OFF my chair laughing at the husband store. But my question is is once you exit can you come in again and start over?
Re: husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #28564 by Chile Boy
Jul 11, 2006 1:06pm
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My question is...WHERE IS THIS STORE???? ;)
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Sep 28, 2006 12:46pm
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isnt it weird how on the girls board all the girls do is talk about guys?
do the people on the boy board talk about girls?
Re: husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #5768 by CapeCodLetterboxer
Sep 28, 2006 12:52pm
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Re: weird?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #39925 by USS Pizza
Sep 28, 2006 3:57pm
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I had to go take a peek at the girls board. Look at the difference in number of posts.

Re: husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #5768 by CapeCodLetterboxer
Sep 28, 2006 4:00pm
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There is some truth to this. I tell people I'm not good looking enough to be this poor. :)

I think womens priorities are money,looks and then everything else. Then they aren't happy when they don't get everything else. :)

Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Oct 5, 2006 4:53pm
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Quote I think women's priorites are money, looks and . .

Dearest Shiloh, it's too bad you don't live closer to ATL. I don't care how much money you make, as long as you're happy with what you are doing. A small part of the problems with my ex-husband stem from me making twice what he did. And who cares what you look like as long as you don't smell bad? Although a guy who doesn't take care of his teeth because he doesn't like dentists and not because he can't afford dental care would turn me off and please, go bald but don't comb over.

I'm an equal opporunity dater. As long as you're employed, nice to me and single, all you have to do is ask. (If you're not single and you're asking me out, then you're not nice.)

My mom keeps trying to set me up with guys that can "take care of me" when what I want is someone who will care FOR me.

I read in a magazine where women often fall for guys that are like their dogs. So I need a short, overweight, very needy, very loyal, loving guy with brown eyes and black and grey hair that's younger than me. Whoo boy! Can't wait! ;)
Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41543 by judithandsparky
Oct 5, 2006 5:21pm
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I can't agree with judithandsparky more! I want someone who with care FOR me, and I care FOR him.

If someone is comfortable with who they are, then I don't care about looks (when I love someone, they become beautiful to ME) or how they dress, etc.

The reverse is there are men (and I'm not saying ALL, just SOME) who will wear worn clothes and not take particular care on all niceties (which is fine) who then want only women who are pretty, slim, have nice hair & clothes. If they are overweight, they are often overlooked, which is sad, because weight does not affect inner beauty or personality. And after all, when passion cools a little, a fine mind and good conversation go a looooong way, and weight or looks or clothes have no effect on those!

So, there are some bad stereotypes out there but there are some down-to-earth people of both genders who are willing to accept each other for what they are.

I don't have a dog, so I won't be looking for that.

However, I will add one caveat. Having been loyal, faithful and trusting and having my husband cheat and lie to my face, I value honesty and loyalty over money or looks anyday.

about to turn 46 "and lovin' it!" (Don Adams, Get Smart voice)
Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41543 by judithandsparky
Oct 5, 2006 11:57pm
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OK...when I posted that comment I was half joking. Here where I work they are talking about doing a contest (if you want to call it that) about matching up some singles. I was thinking about it and thought that all women have to do is wash their face,comb their hair and say *I'm single* and they can get a date. Guys on the other hand either have to be VERY good looking or have a big wallet.

I have observed this personally.

Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41632 by shiloh
Oct 6, 2006 12:04am
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Quote all women have to do is wash their face,comb their hair and say *I'm single* and they can get a date

washes face regularly, combs hair daily, been single a year and a half...and no invitations have been issued... what am I doing wrong??

***sniffs armpit*** nope, that's not it... hmmm...

Guys on the other hand either have to be VERY good looking or have a big wallet.

I once asked a guy out that I would buy him dinner and we would go to a free movie at the library... and he agred, then stood me up.

having fun is more important to me than money, (since I've never had any) and I don't even ask that he has all his limbs...just want a nice person to settle down with, sit next to in church, and spend the next 50 or so years together.

**thinks guys don't have a clue what women really want**

night writer
Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41634 by Romana
Oct 6, 2006 1:19pm
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Quote **thinks guys don't have a clue what women really want**

You may be right.

I keep getting turned down. I get * I'm seeing someone* or if I ask them out when I just find out they are single I get * I don't want to date anyone right now*

Quote washes face regularly, combs hair daily, been single a year and a half...and no invitations have been issued... what am I doing wrong??

So what am I doing wrong? :)

Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Oct 6, 2006 6:21pm
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Night Writer, Shiloh, I don't think we are doing anything "wrong" (I haven't been asked out and haven't asked anyone out in 2 YEARS) but maybe we aren't going where the boys, or girls, are. So, a question. Where did you meet your other BFs or GFs? I met my husband in the military, (Cherry Point, NC) where the boys out numbered the girls about 5,000 to one and you had to be dead to not get asked out. Then I was set up by my girl-friend with her brother, by my sister with a friend of a friend (he's still my best friend) and then I met a guy on a construction site I was supervising. (Again, the odds were mucho in my favor and I'm a terrific flirt.) Now, it's just work, home, work, home. So I see that I'm not getting out there anymore. How about you guys?

And I said that all you had to do was ask, but that's not really true. I try not to date anyone I work with and I WILL NOT date anyone my older sister has gone out with. (Just too gross for words!) And I'm beginning to think that she's been out with everyone in town 'cause she has been out with the last two guys I was even faintly interested in. Sheesh! ;-)

BTW, Shiloh, I knew you were teasing, sugar. Like when I say that I can't be ecentric, I'm not rich enough. I'm just weird.

I'm going to go over to the Singles board and ask another question. Y'all come over, ya hear?
Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41794 by judithandsparky
Oct 6, 2006 6:33pm
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you guys probably don't know me well enough to know I was teasing too...

Re: the husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #41794 by judithandsparky
Oct 6, 2006 6:41pm
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I've met my ex's in different places/different ways. I recently met a couple of ladies at the climbing gym. The first one told me in the course of conversation that she was *attached*. She brought a friend sometime later that I asked out and she said she was seeing someone. I took that as a nice *no thank you* we all still climb together though.

Re: husband store
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #5768 by CapeCodLetterboxer
Nov 16, 2006 5:30pm
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Wow that describes 2/3 of the women population in this world
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76356 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 10:28am
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My son went to one Build a Bear party and walked away with a very nice bear. With the party you got just the bear, if you wanted to buy outfits for it you pay for that on your own. I chose not to.

Personally I would only invite the friends and pay their way. I think its somewhat tacky to invite people to a party then ask them to pay for it. I think $20 a head is an awful lot of money to spend of a 5yr olds party.

The cost of parties at outside places are ridiculous. We plan to have "home parties" as long as we can get away with it. Its a lot harder for my February birthday daughter than my September birthday son. Its much easier to do outside parties in September. We can be a lot more creative with him.

Hope this helps.
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76356 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 10:45am
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In our neck of the woods it is much more common for kids to invite a smaller group of kids to their party rather than the whole class. I would sit down with him and have him pick the kids he really wants to come and then mail the invitations to their house. (I usually set a limit for my girls... "You may invite 8 - 10 guests.") It is pretty much expected that you pay for any guests. I've never seen a party where the guests paid, and I think that could possibly put people (read: parents) off.

I would not invite the whole class unless you are planning a much bigger event at an outdoor location.

Breathe easy! Parties get easier as you move through the school years. This September I held a letterboxing party (of sorts) for my 2nd grader. It was fun!

Have fun,

Carianna of the GG
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76356 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 10:48am
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Hey there MMBT!

I will give you some more advice (since I am chock full today & have no one else to pester).

Do NOT invite the whole class! You will be setting a nasty & expensive precedent that will be hard to avoid later. I've watched many of my friends get caught up in the B-Day craziness of 'inclusion at all costs' and end up with 35-40 kids at a party. They spend nearly $1,000 not including presents. It's not a wedding reception here, people.

I decide on a $$ amount for the bash & work backwards from there. Once I subtract the fixed costs (cake, decorations, location rental - if any), then I know approx how many kids can go. At that point I let my dd decide who that will be. Actually three years ago when she was turning six I just told her the budget amount & let her decide everything. It was great! She had so much fun poring over catalogs to find deals on favors, checking out options with me for places & making her own invitations.

Wow! After all that ranting I feel so much better. ;-) Anybody else need advice??

stripedbass (aka Mrs. Know-it-all)
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76368 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 10:49am
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Yes we went to the Build a Bear and I personally paid for nothing. It was not the whole class, just a few kids. Some of the little girls that went to the party just HAD to have an outfit for the bear. My son wasnt into it that much. So those girls moms bought an outfit.

If you are mailing the invites it shouldnt matter if they all dont get invited. At that age, you can tell your son not to talk about the party in front of others, saying you dont want to hurt feelings of the ones that arent invited. And if there are kids he just doesnt like, why should you pay 20 bucks to invite them. You cant force your kid to like everyone and why should they?

Good luck with prepared whatever you do, you will probably get sticker shock....Even doing parties at home, they get expensive!

Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76375 by Crazyolis
Mar 6, 2007 10:54am
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The rule-of-thumb in my neck of the woods is to invite one kid per # of years old your child is turning. A friend of mine says it is the year plus one, so a six-year-old can invite 7 friends.

drexel girls
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76377 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 11:01am
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The only rule with my children's school (and I have a kindergartener too) is that if invitations go home through the school, you have to invite the whole class. If they come through the mail, you are free to invite as many or as few as you choose. I think that's a fine rule.

Generally, we get invited to more than we can possibly attend, so I don't mind if mine aren't included in every party. Occasionally, some people get upset but I don't see anything wrong with only inviting those children your child is close to.

I wouldn't ask guests to pay, because that might be setting up a situation where one child's family can't afford it, and that's heartbreaking.

The lego store sounds like a great place for a party.

Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76376 by drexel girls
Mar 6, 2007 1:48pm
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smart advise... I have a catering/event planning background and kids parties are always the worst and most expensive party to plan... price per person can be unreasonable. My 16 yr old was telling us about a 7 yr old in the area that was picked up by a limo (with 10 of her friends)... taken for a full manicure, pedicure and hairstyling... then they went to where Ashley works and were horrific!

simple games, cake and ice cream (if they will eat it)... and be done with it! Keep it under an hour if possible (depending on age to maintain your own sanity!).

I know in our school district... if you invite one child IN class you have to invite everyone. But I'd shell out the 39 cents and mail them to avoid the hassle of having everyone being invited. Its your child's party - they should invite who they want and not everyone they don't like.

If you need more specific help... just drop me a private line - I'd be glad to 'help' from afar... the best advice... buy a BIG bottle of Tylenol no matter how many kids!
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76356 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 2:10pm
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I agree you only invite up to 10 kids, depending on the age. The Legos the kids take home are considered the party favors (which I consider an absolute must at any party where guests are expected to bring gifts). So, you only have the cost of the party at Lego plus possibly the invitations, paper products, drinks, and cake if not included. Do not forget thank you notes either, although these can be written on plain paper. We also decide up front what the total party cost will be (including all those things I mentioned) and work backwards.

Also, do not hesitate to call up any any parents that do not RSVP. They are the ones being rude by not letting you know if their child can attend. That is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. It is common courtesy to RSVP and I am shocked at the number of people that feel this is unnecessary these days.

Amyrica the partyful
Re: School Birthday Party Etiquette?
Board: Girls have Cooties, Boys Rule
Reply to: #76356 by Alien Invasive Insects
Mar 6, 2007 2:30pm
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I had a "great" idea for my son's 6th birthday. We invited 6 boys for a sleepover. We did make your own pizzas, watched Shrek and made waffles in the morning while eagerly awaiting the parents to pick them up. By the time everyone was gone, I was ready for a stay in the R-wing! For this year, I'm thinking about bowling. The AMF parties are pretty reasonably priced.
