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Read Board: "Real" Monsters

New Board: "Real" Monsters
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 6, 2009 12:27pm
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A board to post about real(?) monsters and monster stories from the news or personal experiences. Examples of "Real" Monsters would be: bigfoot, aliens, "real" vampires, etc.
I'm in.
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 6, 2009 12:30pm
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This could be interesting
Montauk Monster
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 6, 2009 12:39pm
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What does everyone think of the Montauk Monster? Remember that creepy bloated purple and blue hairless thing that washed up in Montauk in July of '08? In some pics it looked like it had a beak and in some pics it didn't really look like a break and no one seems to really know for sure what it is. I think the leading theory is that it's a dead raccoon or dog, but I don't know. Here's a link to a pic (not a pretty picture, it's pretty creepy):
Re: Montauk Monster
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347503 by Captain Raehawk
Feb 6, 2009 12:47pm
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What does everyone think of the Montauk Monster?

First I heard of this. Strange looking. That head just doesn't seem to fit any animal I know of. It does look like it has a beak. They should be able to do tests and figure out what it is or isn't....Chuck of WWW
Re: Montauk Monster
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347509 by WWW
Feb 6, 2009 1:04pm
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I read that some guy came and took it away before animal control could retrieve it and said he was going to "mount it on his wall". There were a lot of people who claim to have seen it before it was taken away and there's several pics online. If you look for "Montauk Monster" in Google Images you can find a few more pics. I don't know what to think about it... I don't know if I really believe it's a weird new creature or like some people think it's a decomposing raccoon or something...
Re: Montauk Monster
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347520 by Captain Raehawk
Feb 6, 2009 7:37pm
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I'd say NO to racoon...... looks almost equine.... with a beak. WEIRD !!!
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 6, 2009 7:45pm
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I grew up in upstate NY, way north, near the Canadian border. In the late 60's, I wasn't even 10 yet. My brother Charlie and the boy next door, Danny, were both 4 years older than me. To me, they were "IT". I looked up to them.
It wasn't unusual to see bears...... or hear mountain lions screaming..... we weren't "SCARDIE CATS". We respected the woods, but weren't scared of them.

One day, on a weekend, Danny came running up onto the porch.... he was crying.... Mom brought him into the house and got him calmed down. He said he had seen a big black thing on the old woods road. Mama said it must have been a bear. He said it was NOT a bear... that it walked upright like a man, but was covered with black hair like a gorilla. It was a long time before Danny would go in the woods.
My brother also saw what became known as "The Black thing"..... a few days later, at the treeline behind our house. He too was scared of the woods for a long time.

We believe it was a sasquatch. It was only seen those 2 times, by those two teenage boys. I know a lot of others thought they were making it up, but I saw Danny..... and he wasn't telling a tall tale.... he was terrified.

That's my only REAL monster experience !!
Dina B.
Capt. Raehawk's weird experience
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 7, 2009 12:50pm
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So when I was in 7th grade (I think it was 7th grade) I was walking with my friend Lori in the woods behind her house. It was a really pretty, sunny day, and we were just talking and joking around when all of a sudden we heard this really loud, deep snarl/growl coming from behind us. We spun around immediately and there in the middle of the trail where we had just come from was a strange animal. It was about 2 feet or so high and almost looked like a bear cub, but it had a strange looking flattish nose and tiny ears and it was really bow legged. It definately wasn't a bear, or a dog, or anything else I'd ever seen before. It had dark bristly fur and a lot of drool dripping from it's mouth. It's head was lower to the ground then it's shoulders were and it had really big feet with black claws. We panicked and ran as fast as we could up a hill and through the woods into her neighbors backyard. When we finally stopped it was gone. We were so scared that we couldn't bring ourselves to back into those woods for 2 years.
My best friend A New Hope saw something really similar in her parent's backyard a little later (I never told her about our expreience) and she described something that sounded very much like what we saw in the woods. It was really weird!
Re: Capt. Raehawk's weird experience
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347864 by Captain Raehawk
Feb 8, 2009 8:41am
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Man, that gives me the heebs just THINKING about it! Did you ever see that movie about the Bear that was all mutated from radiation? I don't remember if it was called "The Bear", or what -- I saw it on TV when I was a kid, and it scared the Bejeezus outta me. I think maybe the movies I saw on TV when I was little were the worst for freak-out factor; there's not much I've seen since then that has scared me the same way... Anyway, maybe your beastie was something like that...??? ;) -Cat Eyes
Re: New Board: "Real" Monsters
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347495 by Captain Raehawk
Feb 8, 2009 8:37pm
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i am a vampire fan i mean like you dont even know how much i like vampires. Vampires are Awsome!!!!!!!
Re: Capt. Raehawk's weird experience
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347864 by Captain Raehawk
Feb 9, 2009 3:48am
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Sounds a bit like a fishercat. Extremely mean animal.
RI Vampire story
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 9, 2009 7:52am
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Here is another example of a New England Vampire. This one is quite well known. It's in Rhode Island. We've been there and looked around. Very interesting. They even have a Mercy Brown letterbox too.Well anyway, her is the link to "Mercy Brown, RI Vampire"...Chuck of WWW

A what if question (poll)
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 9, 2009 9:08am
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If you were told that some area of woods that you were going in was haunted, would you be concerned at all? Even just a little? Hit agree for yes or disagree for no
Re: A what if question (poll)
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #348486 by WWW
Feb 10, 2009 9:26am
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Are we talking about a nighttime visit to the haunted grove, or a daytime visit? Nighttime: yes. Daytime: yes.... LOL :)
Re: RI Vampire story
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #348437 by WWW
Feb 13, 2009 11:50am
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That's very interresting. I've heard a little bit about her before, but never any sort of details. The guy with the gravestone rubbing is interresting too. Thanks for posting! =o)
Re: Capt. Raehawk's weird experience
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #348079 by Cat Eyes
Feb 25, 2009 1:29pm
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Did you ever see that movie about the Bear that was all mutated from radiation?

Was it Prophecy? That one scared me silly when I was younger!

dancing pecan
Vampires r awesome
Board: "Real" Monsters
Feb 25, 2009 1:36pm
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I just have to post here that vampires are awesome and i love them and i want to become one. =]

Re: Vampires r awesome
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #355381 by Insane Music Lover
Feb 25, 2009 5:07pm
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vampires are awesome and i love them and i want to become one.

You would have to letterbox in the dark. You could never be out in the sun. No good food to eat just blood. And you would always have to watch out that someone would find you and hammer a stake through your heart. No good food to eat just blood....Chuck of WWW
Bigfoot ❤️
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347498 by WWW
Feb 22, 2014 9:19am
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Bigfoot is real. I have seen him before. His face is cute too. In honor of this real "monster" (he's not a monster!) I have planted a box. It is called Bigfoot trax. I love Bigfoot and you should too!
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347620 by theseekers1108
Mar 9, 2014 6:19am
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I love sasquatches!!!!
Re: A what if question (poll)
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #348486 by WWW
Mar 9, 2014 6:21am
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I think it would be fun!!!!
Re: Capt. Raehawk's weird experience
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347864 by Captain Raehawk
Mar 9, 2014 6:35am
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I think I have seen one of those in the woods near my house last summer. Here's the story. I was walking in the woods with snowy (my dog) my three best friends and no one else. We where looking for Bigfoot and one of my friends did a Bigfoot call. A moment after we heard growling. Snowy was barking at something. I turn around and see snowy biting the creature that you had described. I pulled on snowys leash and she wouldn't stop. One of my friends ran into the bushes near by. Just then, I kicked the creature and it ran up a tree. At home, we discovered that it had bitten snowy on her chest.
Re: Montauk Monster
Board: "Real" Monsters
Reply to: #347503 by Captain Raehawk
Mar 9, 2014 6:37am
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I think it's cool looking!