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Read Thread: Happy Re-Discoveries

Happy Re-Discoveries
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Oct 13, 2018 1:57pm
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Hi everyone,

I thought you would appreciate this story. I have started carving again after a hiatus and was looking in an old, old bag for supplies. I found stuff in there I totally forgot I had, including my first attempt at a signature stamp (carved on Mastercarve which I haven't seen in years) and some old misfires/first attempts. But the thing that puzzled me was a version of a stamp that I had planted about 12 years ago and lost after a couple years, a stamp I really worked hard on. It must have been an early try that I wasn't happy with. I thought "what the heck" and inked it up to see what was so wrong with it. It printed fine and looked good, just about like I remembered it! I'm a perfectionist (not a great trait for carving) so I'm sure I redid it because I accidentally carved away a line I wanted or something, but with a decade-plus obscuring my memory I'm spared remembering what was "wrong" with it. So now I have a very nice stamp ready to go anytime! Well... maybe a bit more cleanup... ;) It's like finding $10 in the pocket of your winter coat when you take it out for the year.