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Read Thread: Apology for not maintaining well lately

Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Aug 7, 2018 5:34am
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I have been so busy with life and battling illnesses. I try to have fun in other areas when I'm feeling good. Also, I started homeschooling 3 years ago and put everything else on the back burner.

I recently received some notifications privately that boxes are missing or need maintenance. Some of them are too far away. Some of them are close. I have been updating availabilities as best I can this morning.

I do want to apologize to the people who have had bad letterboxing experiences due to my lack of maintenancing. I've updated some boxes that need repair and I'm just not able to do it right now. I have changed some to unavailable. I have updated Clues to give people a heads up. I've also let people know that if a box is in bad shape or cannot be found to please log accordingly so future letter boxers have a heads up.

Has anyone had an experience of completely dropping the ball on other letter boxers like this?

I feel guilty. This used to be a huge part of my life. I've just got so much other stuff going on right now. 😕
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963500 by crosscresent
Aug 7, 2018 6:36am
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Life happens. The last thing you should be feeling is guilty, my only hope is that things ease up and get a little more organized for you soon!

Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963500 by crosscresent
Aug 7, 2018 6:38am
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Personally I think you do not need to apologize. We all have a life outside
our beloved hobby. And our life should take priority. The wonderful thing about Atlasquest is finders can record finds and comments. Therefore seekers can see that the box has not been found in a long time or it needs
repairs, etc.
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963500 by crosscresent
Aug 7, 2018 6:49am
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I have changed some to unavailable. I have updated Clues to give people a heads up. I've also let people know that if a box is in bad shape or cannot be found to please log accordingly so future letter boxers have a heads up.

Life happens, don’t sweat it. To my way of thinking if you are doing the above you are being responsible. It’s the boxers who have plants near their homes, who are still active and refuse to check on or make notes/status changes to boxes that are clearly in need of it that bug me.
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963500 by crosscresent
Aug 7, 2018 10:54am
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I've just moved to another state recently, and was waffling back & forth about pulling my boxes or leaving them. I have a conscience about maintaining them well also, like you- but the overwhelming advice I received was to leave them; they were lovingly placed in the wild for people to find, and good and experienced boxers who come along to find them would do what they can to fix/maintain them. If not, they can be retired at a time when they are no longer available. Speaking only for myself, I always carry logbooks, pouches, ziplocs, duct tape-anything I can stuff into my bag to care for boxes whenever I'm out there hunting them and I am grateful to all the boxers who have tended to mine when they need some TLC! I believe this is the general thinking anyway, as I know many of us plant boxes while travelling and cannot always be back in the area where we plant and we rely on other boxers to help in their care...
Formal shout-out to Illinois boxers- please take care of my babies! :-)
And come to visit me in Colorado and I'll repay you by taking you out on some new boxing adventures!
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963524 by Gypsy Fiddler
Aug 7, 2018 12:44pm
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I too have recently moved...from Ohio to Tennessee. Hopefully my boxes will live on without me but if not I will retire them as needed. I have recently planted several boxes in Alaska and most definitely will not being doing any maintenance on them. If we all help each other then we will all have more boxes to find.
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963524 by Gypsy Fiddler
Aug 8, 2018 2:57pm
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I am new to Illinois letterboxing and enjoy looking for your boxes. I will be sure to check on the ones I have not found and take care of the babies you have lovingly left for us to find.
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963590 by Cubby Bear Paw
Aug 8, 2018 7:57pm
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Thanks! You are so kind to offer that, and I am so happy you enjoy my plants! Now I'm extra-glad I left them!
Re: Apology for not maintaining well lately
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #963500 by crosscresent
Aug 9, 2018 3:12pm
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I appreciate the positive comments. I got a few private messages concerning my health. I have some minor health issues. I just never know when it will completely wear me out. I get a few things done tand I have to go lay down. BUT I am able to do a lot of stuff. And I promise my homeschooling ability is beyond up to par. We are absolutely perfect and then some in that area.

technically I could go out and do all this stuff. A huge part of me has just completely lost interest but I have guilt. I go out with the intention of looking to maintain a box, then I end up at the grocery store getting groceries, having to take stuff back to the library, and then realizing I forgot something blah blah blah blah blah

Maybe I just need to lay low until Gwendolyn is grown. I'll get all old and retired and stuff and then I can get back into it. 🤣