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Read Thread: Planting at a school?

Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Jul 16, 2017 1:20pm
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I'm sure I've read about good/not so good places to plant boxes. I'm planning a trip to my hometown and want to plant a box of the High School's mascot--preferably on the school campus. Any advice about yea or nay on a public school campus?
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 16, 2017 1:42pm
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I vote nay. Having people skulking around schools doesn't seem like a good idea to me unless you have the schools permission and cooperation.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 16, 2017 1:51pm
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I have one planted on the campus of my hometown high school. It is a tennis themed stamp and I planted it in the guardrail near the tennis courts. I tried to stay away from the main buildings and parking lots so to not draw attention if anyone is there during school hours, plus this high school campus has video cameras everywhere around the building. I have, however; found a few stamps on a school campus that were very close to the buildings and were VERY, VERY tricky to get unless you go after school hours. I guess you have to keep in mind if they would see someone walking around or hanging out on the school grounds it would look suspicious or out of place. Less attention the better!!!
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948505 by DarkZen and Evil Cow Pie
Jul 16, 2017 2:46pm
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School campuses here are open to the community and it's quite common for people to be using the track, playgrounds and basketball courts, to be walking their dogs, etc. Like most things, these situations probably vary by region. Obviously you don't want people to be lingering during recess, but it would make sense to let people know that in the clues. It's pretty hard to hide stuff from kids, though! They are in to everything. I've only searched for 1 at a school and it was in a garden in the front lawn and was, somewhat predictably, long gone...

One of our middle schools had a running track that went through the woods that might have worked during non-track team times, but I'm guessing all the woody areas are frequently frequented. I'm pulling the boxes I planted in the woods near our middle school shortly for that very reason. Not too long ago, one of our 6th grade girls (!) was impregnated in those very woods. Doesn't that just beg for a box? But I digress...
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 16, 2017 3:32pm
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I would have to say nay. Unless you have permission from the principal yearly. There tends to be a lot of staff changes in schools in my area.

Perhaps plant near the school.

I taught 7th grade for seven years prior to my son being born. Schools in my area were very much against people visiting the school campus unless for a school event. With all of the potential threats against schools, people stopping by for letterboxing could cause a school to go into a lockdown situation. Staff and students were encouraged to keep a lookout for people that didn't belong on campus. For instance a person or persons on school grounds without a visitor pass showing. We were not an open campus, even after school hours. Perhaps this isn't the case throughout the country.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 16, 2017 4:36pm
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Have to be careful with those locations. Athletic fields are probably the best bet. Would want to post a note about when to look for the box. You don't want to be on school grounds during school sessions looking for a box. If athletic fields, a note about checking home schedules and possibly practice schedules.

Near but off campus may be your best bet.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948510 by Legomomma
Jul 16, 2017 5:21pm
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I agree with near the campus.

Due to news stories, campus security has changed a lot over the last few years. And even if you are very specific in the clues, you risk someone deciding that the rules don't apply to them or that it's safe enough and just going for it.

Near the campus is good. Parking lot is as close as I'd get. And even then...imagine the most paranoid person in the world stumbles across the container or someone looking for it. What is the potential fall out? Make sure it doesn't look like a bomb, off campus they're even less likely to jump to that far fetched possibility. A nearby high school hang out is another possibility.

Label clearly, just in case.

Good luck!
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948515 by Uncorny Acorns
Jul 16, 2017 5:39pm
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Label clearly, just in case.

And use a clear container.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 16, 2017 7:44pm
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the town probably supports the school so planting it at the town hall or mayors offices might be easier and still give homage to your alma mater.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 17, 2017 11:25am
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I am currently a high school teacher and have been for a while now, and my vote would be an overwhelming no! Even open campuses have had security issues and policy changes over the last ten years. I agree with legomomma, planting one near the school can still have the same effect, and you don't run the risk of a school lockdown, or getting on the evening news over a misunderstanding of why you were "hiding in the bushes" near the playground!
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 17, 2017 11:58am
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Thanks to all who replied. You make overwhelming sense and confirm thoughts I'd been having, too. There is a nice public park about five blocks from the high school. That seems to be a better option than the school. I don't want any of us on the news!
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 17, 2017 12:35pm
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I am a teacher and have mixed thoughts. However, on my way to Yellowstone in April one letterbox was hidden in a book in the HS. The front desk was well aware and had me sign in and show id. The liberarian did this as a lesson and they love seeing who comes to see it. I enjoyed speaking to some kids who were in the library who knew about the stamp. As a result, many of the kids started letterboxing.
Re: Planting at a school?
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #948502 by BEJAYS
Jul 17, 2017 11:14pm
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No way. Geocaches are not allowed near schools, either.