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Read Thread: Tell me a story about the an L & B Event you attended

Tell me a story about the an L & B Event you attended
Board: We Live And Breathe Letterboxing XX
Jul 9, 2017 5:38pm
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One of my favorite stories. A hike up the mountain late in the day brings us into the environment of being in the presence of the Rare & Elusive Single Male Letterboxer. We were aware of hearing a rustling of the forest floor caused by much poking of a hiking stick into the ground, then we noticed a soft muttering, and finally you we heard the loud and vocal cry...."Where the F*&K is it? Where the f#@k is it?" My friends, at the 1st Live & Breath, there were not many Single Male Letterboxers so this sighting was precious.
Lets hear your stories.

down memory lane
Re: Tell me a story about the an L & B Event you attended
Board: We Live And Breathe Letterboxing XX
Reply to: #948121 by deniserows
Jul 23, 2017 5:10am
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That would be me , wildcats- mass. dragonrider-idaho , dr. b- ny.and, art history-geogia at eagle cliffs . It was dr.b's stamp and the only one we didn't find . Do you remember rehashing that story at Live and Breathe 2 ? We got a Baptist Slap from some church lady who was dragging a fold up chair through the woods letterboxing . We were stamping and she plopped her forest rake seat near us , so you stingy stepped and shuffled to her with the stamp and flashed the classic smile you are famous for . That's when I said " are you a good witch or a bad witch ". Always a good time can be had if you let it happen .