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Atlas Quest

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by dancingpecanProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: North Carolina
I know there was some discussion about the wild ponies before Hurricane Florence hit, so I wanted to share this. The ponies on the islands of the Outer Banks weathered the storm safely.
by Warrior WomanProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LbNA Chatter
Thank you for the gentle reminder. I stopped listing my boxes on lbna a long time ago, I only do it when a finder finds one of my boxes listed on AQ and they want to claim the find on lbna as well. But methinks me best clean up anything I still have l...
by ElleProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Find lots of treasures today Thanks! It is pouring rain today but plan to go boxing tomorrow!
by Sudoku CrazyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
I'll have to run by and check on your Venus flytrap the next time I am down. It's near my brother-in-laws house. My relatives at the beach fared pretty well with just minor issues. They are all in the Shallotte/Ocean Isle Beach area between Wilmingto...
by Music ChickProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Idaho
Thanks to everyone who came for helping make the event so fun! It was so great to see everyone. We missed a few regulars who were unable to attend and hope to see them at the next event. I wanted to let you know that there were over 120 books donated!...
by Pitt MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Good afternoon on this very soggy Monday! I have openings in the October 6, 2018 event if anyone has had plan changes! I have approx. 40 stamps carved and ready to be found. Looking forward to a fun filled night!!!
by BrandyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Connecticut
Yup, I’m around!
by Philosopher RabbitProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
I have returned to letterboxing a lot recently after some years of being semi-inactive. During that time pouches have apparently become more common in my local area in Michigan. I saw them rarely or never in the old days, but have recently found more...
by MissMoonProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LbNA Chatter
LBNA need a GOOD clearing out. Many boxers and boxes have not existed for a loooong time. The same could be said about AQ. There are tons of members here who have never had any activity at all or have been what I call One Plant Wonders and then gotten...
by KelsungProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Doctor Who
I think that the Fourth Doctor did too He attempted to in Logopolis, even measuring the exterior's "37 dimensions" with Adric, however it failed when The Master began to interfere with the stability of N-space. You may also be thinking of the secondar...
by MissMoonProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LbNA Chatter
Many just ignore me. I think I archived the boxes I had on LBNA. Except for the one I adopted which I just re-listed. I would say rather than ignoring you they have never seen the email. Even if you write them on AQ, lots of people have no idea th...
by Mama StorkProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
I think it depends on the type of bag and tape that is used. My experience with pouches (primarily SW Ohio, Central IN) is that the placement makes a difference, more than the materials. Learned the hard way about bugs in the fold. Very memorable.......
by brailleboxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Event News and Planning
Looking for fun , unique , cool , different raffle prize ideas for an event What’s the best thing you’ve won
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Event News and Planning
The best thing I've won was a hand crafted walking stick from Daytrippers54... My son's favorite was the hot dog cooker he won at Kites 😂😂😂
by brailleboxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Event News and Planning
Fun !
by Wry MeProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
There is a variety of large spider that seems to like to nest inside the box tho I’m not sure how it gets in. Smacking the side of the bird house a few times with a stick recommended. [big spider] It doesn't need to be small, it just needs to be small...
by BaqashProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LbNA Chatter
There are planters who only list on LbNA
by Silver EagleProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Texas
It has come to my attention that many new boxers don't know about the original forum for TX Letterboxing which can be found here: Though not as active as in the past, it still has quite a few...
by Mountain AcresProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Idaho
Thanks for hosting Music Chick! It was so good to see everyone and meet new letterboxers!
by Moms_PlayProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Michigan
This sounds FUN!! I am doing something indoors too in Nov... We have planned on a few events and we are determined to go this year and as the years go on :) I will talk with bobbie and the both of us will come up with a few books and Carves
by Moms_PlayProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter November I have posted an event here in Mi... But anyone is welcome to come :) Moms Play Katie
by AmyricaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Georgia
Free performance on Sunday afternoon on Chamblee-Tucker in Atlanta: If you let me know you're coming, I'll bring the Song of Atlanta traveler.
by KirbertProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
...there are usually some in the fold but not in the bag. I think that's the concern being discussed. There might not be bugs inside the bag very often, but they are nearly always in the fold -- and that's bad enough, because you have to open up the f...
by Grrly GirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Happy AQ anniversary MissMoon
by MizscarletProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Happy AQ anniversary, Miss Moon!Who would have thought we would still be doing this after 14 plus years. I remember meeting you at the very first Boxtober in Palmyra NJ. Was that 2002? Those were the days when gathers were few and far between. All we h...
by MissMoonProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
Thanks! I remember that well. I was a brand new newbie and living in NYC, I didn't even have a car at the time. I took the train and Hikers and Hounds met me and took me to the event. That was so nice of her. I can't remember the year. Rich was there...
by MissMoonProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Look at Me! Look At You!
bahaha Thanks! I'm a song. Yup, long time doing this plastic in the woods thing. Still crazy after all these years.
by Bungalow BoxerProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Florida
Only a few more days left to get the amazing September Box of the Month here in the Four Corners section of Kissimmee! The box will be retired on Friday 9/28 around 5:00pm and hand delivered to it's next stop the next day. BB
by The Crafty MomProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Idaho
Thanks for hosting and all your hard work. It was lots of fun. Enjoyed meeting everyone again and the new letterboxers that we had not met before.
by dancingpecanProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LTC: Tips, Questions, and Stuff
A typical ltc is a tiny rectangle of art. But sometimes people get really creative and make their cards"interactive". The card opens or wiggles or "pops" or something else. So what are some ways to make a card interactive? Probably the simplest is...