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Read Board: Suggestion Box

by Trekkie GalProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
You can go to the Boards menu and see your recently Ignored Threads there so that you can unignore any that were accidental. TG
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
or do you really want to do that when ignoring a thread. Okay, I've added an option to the Miscellaneous Preferences page, under "Message boards", so you can choose if you'd like to confirm an ignore thread post. =) -- Ryan
by BaqashProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
by Hart x6ProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Unfortunately, I had to drop out of the event that this thread was based on . . . and came up with another idea. If a "Parent" drops from an event can there be an option like, "would you like to also drop _____, ______, and ________ from this event?"...
by WronghatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
When I try to search for letterboxes with number names--such as 66--the search function automatically lists the name of the letterbox that has that number--in this case Yucca-- instead of letterboxes with that number in their name. Perhaps if those wh...
by wassamatta uProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
When I try to search for letterboxes with number names--such as 66--the search function automatically lists the name of the letterbox that has that number--in this case Yucca-- instead of letterboxes with that number in their name. Simply put the numbe...
by DawnkeyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Out of curiosity, I just searched on "66" (with quotes). That seemed to produce the list you wanted.
by SherlockMilesProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
It would be great to be able to filter events by date - meaning: "Show me all of the events on mm/dd/yy" or "Show me all of the events between m1/d1/y1/ and m2/d2/y2" - bonus would be to add location as an additional filter. I know you can sort by lo...
by paper trailProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
If you check out the Events Listing under People: events are listed in date order --
by SherlockMilesProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
I know. Thanks
by JanilaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Would it be possible to add the AQ box # to the table of contents that is generated when you request to print a group of boxes from a search? I often just copy that table of contents to send to a friend who will be boxing with me so that they can prin...
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
It's been done! -- Ryan
by JanilaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
It's been done! Oh my goodness!!!! That is perfect, thank you so much!
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
When I am logging a find with a comment at the same time, however, it would be better to make the comment date the same as the find date. I've updated the code to do this. But I'll be honest with you--I don't think it's going to do much to solve the pr...
by Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Is it just me? I no longer see any dates with the comments. Traditional non-mystery boxes only show the comment and the member name, but no date. EDIT: maybe because I am not a premium member?
by Fox SocksProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Yeah, one some listings I will see the month and year, but no member name. Others show the member name, month and year.
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
I no longer see any dates with the comments. Sorry about that. Bug in the code I updated. You should be able to see dates (just the month and year, though) on everything but mystery boxes. (Premium members can see the month and year for mystery boxes.)...
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
but no member name. Member names won't show up on mystery boxes to help keep the boxes more "mysterious." -- Ryan
by Bon EchoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Looks good now. I've been chained to a desk for the last week or so writing bash scripts, R scripts and python scripts and debugging (so many bugs!) so you have my sympathies.
by Fox SocksProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Here are a couple that I see that are not showing the member name on the comment, and they don't have a mystery box icon.
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Good grief! I just can't seem to get this query quite right! I tried to fix it again.... let me know if this time it worked out better. =) -- Ryan
by WronghatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
How about making the Trojan War Theme page the place with all the boxes and boxers in Turkey like the Cinco de Mayo page is for Mexico? And St. Patty's Day theme might should have an about theme page for info on Ireland.
by Boris BadenovProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
How about making the Trojan War Theme page the place with all the boxes and boxers in Turkey Do vhe havst anyk bohxers int Turkey? Vhat abvout unt theem fvor ust fvrom plvaces liik Pottsylvania?
by Sea MaidProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
or...have boxes that look like letterboxes but really only contain geo-trash....I mean geocache
by Sir BraemoorProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
How about making the Trojan War Theme page the place with all the boxes and boxers in Turkey The Turks lost this battle (well, technically, the battle was lost on what is now Turkish soil). I'm betting that some Turks wouldn't be so keen on this sugge...
by WronghatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
I'm betting that some Turks wouldn't be so keen on this suggestion. I'll ask my Turkish daughter-in-law. I'm betting your concern is far-fetched, but people often surprise me with their sensitivities. Obliviousness, thy name is Wronghat.
by WronghatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
So I asked her if some Turks might object to having the Trojan War page dedicated to Turkish letterboxing information and she replied: Some Turks might but there aren't many Turkish letter boxers anyway. Still, another name might be more adequate.
by WronghatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Ron Glass died a couple of years ago. I miss Barney Miller.
by wassamatta uProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Ron Glass died a couple of years ago. I miss Barney Miller. Yeah, but it's STILL his birthday. Rest in peace, Shepherd.
by Green TortugaProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Suggestion Box
Yeah, but it's STILL his birthday. Perhaps, but he's probably not celebrating it! -- Ryan