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Read Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers

Re: :) Wow!
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691539 by Beach Bum TX
Apr 11, 2012 8:15pm
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Congratulations on reaching 500!

My addiction started with one that Green Jello gave me at my first event.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691478 by Rocklun
Apr 11, 2012 8:20pm
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Oberon_Kenobi, you are a marketing GENIUS. You created interest in this tracker and then left for work, leaving the rest of us to battle over the letters!

Thanks for the complement. I really didn't think that it would generate this much interest. I'll create the tracker this evening, to be due sometime in September. I'll sign up the people that have already spoken for letters, in the order that they've posted or emailed me. That is if I can figure out how to do so. If not, I'll just leave it open.

Once I get those signed up that have spoken for something I'll open it up for sign ups. Please don't post any more requests for letters. I'll let you sign up for your own, after it is set up.

Thanks for all of your interest.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691584 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 11, 2012 8:54pm
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I'll sign up the people that have already spoken for letters, in the order that they've posted or emailed me. That is if I can figure out how to do so.

Okay, I've created the tracker. However, I don't know how to sign up specific people. I've set it as "limited" so that I can control who joins it, at least I think that is what "limited" is for. Is there a way to do what I want?
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691590 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 11, 2012 9:01pm
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Limited just limits the amount of people that can join - it sounds like you'll need to create a "white list" under the tracker's restriction page - you'll have to create a group list of the people you want to allow to join, then set the white list restriction to that.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691590 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 11, 2012 9:04pm
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It looks like you can add members as well, by using the members button.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691590 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 11, 2012 9:05pm
Thread Board (disabled)
When you create the tracker there's a row of buttons: basic, attributes, location, restrictions, members. Click on members. It'll bring you to a page with a field where you can add member names, then click add member. After you've added everyone you want to be sure to click save.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691593 by dancingpecan
Apr 11, 2012 9:09pm
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It'll bring you to a page with a field where you can add member names, then click add member. After you've added everyone you want to be sure to click save.

If you do it that way, you'll then want to limit the tracker to the number of people you put in, thus keeping the amount to just those people.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691595 by Bubbaloo Magoo
Apr 11, 2012 9:15pm
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If he creates it as a limited tracker, only he can add members to whatever max he sets, in this case 26.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691594 by System
Apr 11, 2012 9:45pm
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You could just add a list of participants who have already claimed letters in the comments section. I think everyone would be nice enough to NOT sign up for a letter if it's already on the list.

This is what I've done. I think that the participants can add their own cards now. Please form an orderly queue and add your LTC.

I'll open it up once everyone I've signed up has added their LTC, or after three days. I haven't chosen a letter yet, but I will choose in a few days. So grab the ones you want quickly.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691603 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 11, 2012 10:40pm
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I've added those that have requested to be signed up. You don't need to email me to be added because I'll open it up to anyone on Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691577 by Benjamin Clan
Apr 12, 2012 4:18am
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I noticed that after I wrote my post :). Not to worry, when I saw that became obsessed with getting the D instead :)
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691625 by The Boxing Bs
Apr 12, 2012 6:35am
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Hehe. Thanks! I just wanted a stamp that I could use later for my last name. (0; Are you now the Boxing D's? LOL
Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Apr 12, 2012 6:35am
Thread Board (disabled)
I have a stampmaker. It hasn't come out of the box yet because my crafty interests haven't cycled back to card making for a little while. Here's the thing. I can essentially make copies of my hand-carved stamps. So I could plant one, and keep one for making LTCs. Or I could plant, and have another as backup if the box were lost.

My inclination is not to do this, but it's kinda tempting, especially for LTCs. What kind of stamp would it be? Hand-carved? Custom? What would you do?

Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691652 by frykitty
Apr 12, 2012 7:05am
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Cloning....aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! ;)

If it is a copy of a handcarved stamp, it sounds like it would be a "recycled" icon for LTC's or postals. I probably would consider the cloned stamp a "custom" stamp on its own only because that particular stamp is a clone of another one. It sounds like an interesting idea to use the stampmaker to have backup stamps for traditional plants though...

Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691663 by FORAYCH
Apr 12, 2012 7:07am
Thread Board (disabled)
Hrm. I thought "recycled" was if I'd used the stamp for an LTC before?

I was leaning toward custom, also. While having a plant backup is nice, I wonder how I'd feel if I found one in the wild.

Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691269 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 12, 2012 7:07am
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Is the M taken yet????
Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691652 by frykitty
Apr 12, 2012 7:09am
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I used the image of my original signature stamp to have a custom stamp made at Office Max. My original stamp was old and I was afraid of it breaking or getting lost. I wanted a new stamp, but I wanted the image to be exactly the same. It has worked out well. I consider it "custom". (And I don't consider it cheating.)
Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691664 by frykitty
Apr 12, 2012 7:20am
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I thought "recycled" was if I'd used the stamp for an LTC before?

I tend to use the recycled icon if I have used the stamp for any other letterboxing type activity (as a traditional, postal, PT, etc.) to let people know the image is out there in another form. I have used that icon as well when using the same stamp for a different LTC. I could be wrong though, any others have ideas on the "recycled" icon?

The notion of finding a cloned stamp in the wild would lead me to the "custom" listing because people would see the clone was not handcarved...but a logbook could reflect it originally was based on a handcarved stamp.

Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691665 by MMACJ
Apr 12, 2012 7:21am
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Just checked the list. No-one has claimed M as far as I can see...
Last call: Magnification Tracker closing 4/14
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Apr 12, 2012 7:27am
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I'm going to close the Magnification! tracker on 4/14. Right now we have 7 signups, and no one has joined in a while. So this might be a good one to do if you only want to do a few cards. I will change the max signups to 9 since I have already received my first cards, and don't want anyone to have to make extras.

Due date May 7.
Re: New Tracker - Inchies LTC: Design a Postage Stamp
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691062 by Snail Mail
Apr 12, 2012 10:15am
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Has there been a link posted for this tracker? Thanks!
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691651 by Benjamin Clan
Apr 12, 2012 10:57am
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Are you now the Boxing D's? LOL

Good idea! I'll change my trail name :) My first name starts with a D, so the D will work too.
Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691652 by frykitty
Apr 12, 2012 11:06am
Thread Board (disabled)
Very interesting... I just got one of these last week:,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH
and some unexposed photopolymer plates to try exposing my own letterpress plates at home.
I found myself thinking that these plates weren't that different from stamps. I'd call them "custom" rather than hand-carved, but I like FORAYCH's suggestion of letting people know that the custom stamp is a copy of a hand-carved original. Like most people, I prefer to find hand-carved stamps, but I'd be happy with a copy in my logbook if I knew it was a back-up plan for a stamp that went missing.
As for LTCs: with the detail these plates can capture, it would be hard to tell on an LTC if you had used a hand-carved rubber stamp or a photopolymer "clone" stamp made from its image.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691584 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 12, 2012 3:59pm
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Oh, man. I didn't see this thread until just now. I hope there are still spaces available when you open it up. :)
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691269 by Oberon_Kenobi
Apr 12, 2012 4:55pm
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If it's just an A-Z with no particular theme, I would be interested as I have a few carves in progress just for the fun of carving them!

Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691669 by FORAYCH
Apr 12, 2012 5:57pm
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I tend to use the recycled icon if I have used the stamp for any other letterboxing type activity (as a traditional, postal, PT, etc.) to let people know the image is out there in another form. I have used that icon as well when using the same stamp for a different LTC

This is exactly how I use the recycled icon, too. I interpret it to mean "Recycled stamp image" or "Warning: You may have seen this image before from me in some other form."
I put the recycled icon on the second time I use the stamp for some form of letterboxing. The stamp's original listing, whatever the form, doesn't have the icon.

As for the StampMaker: I've seen these things and they intrigue me. I'm not a die-hard carver and I thought this would be cool to make a stamp out of something I might draw or doodle. (I say doodle because that's about all I can draw!) I definately see it as a custom stamp and wouldn't have a problem with them being planted in the wild.

I wonder if it would qualify for an LTC if it is the only image used...isn't one of the qualifiers for an LTC to have a "hand-carved, hand-stamped" image on it? A stamp from the stampmaker wouldn't be "hand carved" to me even if it is a clone of a hand carved image. It still wouldn't be much different than photocopying an image of a hand carved stamp and gluing it onto a card, would it?

It's a very interesting question, frykitty. I'm interested to see what others think.

Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691873 by Wyvern
Apr 12, 2012 6:18pm
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It still wouldn't be much different than photocopying an image of a hand carved stamp and gluing it onto a card, would it?

I definitely don't see that. It may be a custom stamp, but it would still be hand stamped.
Re: Cheating with a stampmaker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691652 by frykitty
Apr 12, 2012 10:42pm
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It would be nice to have a different icon for this type of stamp. It would be a stamp made at home (so not "custom") but also not "hand carved". Stamps made with a CNC machine doing the carving or a 3D printer making the stamp would also qualify for this "home custom" icon.

But with no new icon, I'd go with "custom" then explain in the clue.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #691824 by river
Apr 12, 2012 11:47pm
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I hope there are still spaces available when you open it up.

This turned out to be a very popular one. Since there is only one of those boxers that I've added (because they pre-requested) left to add an LTC, I'll open it up on Friday. I got a lot of additional requests today to be added, but I decided to just open it up (on Friday) instead of adding these people. Keep checking back on Friday afternoon.

If this one fills up quickly after that then I'll create another one preferring lower-case letters. What do you guys think, should I make it due the same time or a few (one or two) months later?

No matter what you want, please don't request to be added to this second one. Managing this first one was doable, but the second one (when created) will be open from the beginning. That is, I won't be doing pre-requested letters.

And thanks to everyone for being so enthusiastic about this LTC tracker.
Re: A-Z Tracker
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
Reply to: #692016 by DS
Apr 13, 2012 8:17am
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If you want to, after the tracker fills all the way up, you could keep a "waiting list" in your own notes section of your own profile.

I may, but that was already a lot to keep track of when I made this first Illuminated Letters tracker. It wasn't unmanageable, but it seemed too much for the result. I'll decide when I make the tracker.

Also, the Illuminated Letters tracker is now open to all. The last one reserved has picked their letter, so it is now a free-for-all. Please form an orderly queue. It will fill up fast.