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Atlas Quest

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Board: State: North Carolina
Feb 1, 2011 5:45am
Thread Board
Hello Good people of NC,
Also neighbors and Honorary NC'ers !!

MMTM was a success ! Everyone enjoyed !!

BB STACKER is right..... a good many of us are all still worn out from the big weekend !!

Sarcasmo......The ZOMBIES did come to the event , looking for brains.... but when they saw the guest list, they moved on.... *LOL*......

Mama Flory, ... The board isn't broken.... it's just "resting".

I understand that Mama Wolf videotaped each Musical Act and that we will all be VIRAL within the next day or two !!!
Those of you who weren't able to come to the event can still get a sampling of the fun that was had.

Charlie was sick all weekend. He did attend MMTM and managed to enjoy a bit, but he sat quietly most of the day.....
those of you who know him.... know.... SITTING QUIETLY is NOT his usual M O !!!!
He's a bit better and now I'm coming down icky sick !!!

We could not have asked for better weather for the weekend, but now it's back COLD again !!!

Goofy Girl and her family made it home safe and sound. They beat the storm.
I haven't heard from our other travelers. I guess all got home OK. LG and Atlantic Time had quite a mess to drive through.... as did Miss Moon and Sheba.

Have a great day, everyone !!
Dina B. (B for Be ok with me to replace the HUG button with a THANK YOU button, I can always just HUGS whoever I want to......)
Re: New Sig Stamp
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Reply to: #582745 by Kelsung
Feb 1, 2011 5:52am
Thread Board
That was really fun to see your progression of skills! Great job! But come on, who wouldn't improve when they start out carving with a steak knife!! LOL!

Stacey's brother
Board: State: Ohio
Feb 1, 2011 5:56am
Thread Board
Has anyone hear from Stacey about her brother? We have been bogged in this bathroom remodel and weather and haven't kept up.

Re: New Sig Stamp
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Reply to: #582745 by Kelsung
Feb 1, 2011 6:01am
Thread Board
OMG! I love your new Sig Stamp. It's amazing! Great carve and thanks for sharing.
Board: State: North Carolina
Reply to: #582793 by theseekers1108
Feb 1, 2011 6:07am
Thread Board
I guess all got home OK. LG and Atlantic Time had quite a mess to drive through.... as did Miss Moon and Sheba.

No trouble at all on the homeward trip. We picked up one box at Sunset Cemetery before we left, then just headed for home. There was snow on the ground once we got into VA but the roads were completely dry. Got there about dinnertime (well to my house anyway).

It iced overnight, so in a little while I've got to go out & scrape the car so I can get to work this afternoon. :(

Pretty Butterfly
Board: Musical Postals
Feb 1, 2011 6:07am
Thread Board
This one is ready to flutter away. Who's next?? First address gets it.
Latest NE storm...
Board: Region: Northeast
Feb 1, 2011 6:09am
Thread Board
Seems even Beans is done fighting with Mother Nature. They are already planning to shut Distribution, Returns, Recieving, and Manufacturing down on Wednesday in lieu of opening up buildings for 20 people.

Granted now we'll work on Saturday to make up for the day - but at least I can just wait for the snow to end before trying to start me car! And it will give me that much more of a chance to fill up the dump truck with unassembled snowmen that HappyDaze wants for their backyard : )

Re: Boxes Archived on LbNA without contact or consent
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #582575 by TrailTroll
Feb 1, 2011 6:13am
Thread Board
<<8-9 in the LbNA basement>>

Huh, whazzzat?? How do I check/update/do whatever there?

I was able to log in after they helped me. There was a mistake in the email address they had for me on file somehow. I changed the status of a few boxes and see that the ones I've marked retired are indeed archived which is correct.

Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Feb 1, 2011 6:16am
Thread Board
I found" target="_blank">this the other day when I went to go look at me email. I thought that it looked interesting.

Re: Pretty Butterfly
Board: Musical Postals
Reply to: #582798 by Bacon and Eggs
Feb 1, 2011 6:19am
Thread Board
This one has been spoken for. Heading to Indiana.
Re: New Sig Stamp
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Reply to: #582745 by Kelsung
Feb 1, 2011 6:27am
Thread Board
Wow! You did a great job! It was neat seeing your progression, thanks for sharing!
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582803 by Silva Foot Family
Feb 1, 2011 6:30am
Thread Board
Georgia's #49

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Stacey's brother
Board: State: Ohio
Reply to: #582795 by Granny Butterfly
Feb 1, 2011 6:38am
Thread Board
I haven't really posted anything else about it. I have kind of been avoiding it.

He passed away on the 18th. It was bitter-sweet. The last 24 hours were rough. His breathing was very erratic and it was hard to watch. I'm still a little mad at him... I had been at the hospital all night and we knew it wouldn't be too much longer. I debated about going home to get a shower and lunch and then coming right back or waiting until later. I decided to go earlier than later. So I left my dad there and went home. Then my dad went to the Wendys in the hospital lobby. When he came back my brother had passed. I think he waited til we all left, on purpose! (My mom did the same thing.)
We had a memorial service at the church on Saturday the 22nd. My brother wanted to be cremated so we had to get all the paperwork done for that. They just called on Friday (Jan-29) to say we could come pick up the cremains. (I didn't know it took that long!) We are going to SC on the 11th to bury the cremains vault next to my mother.
It has been very hard trying to get everything done. He lived in an apartment that was paid for month-to-month, so we needed to get everything out before today. And with work, school, the weather, and some church commitments, it's been tough.

Thanks for all the thought and prayers and sorry I've been so bad about posting updates.
Re: Well this just sucks
Board: Off Topic, Wildly
Reply to: #582681 by Dizzy
Feb 1, 2011 6:43am
Thread Board
Disneyland has gone down since I moved away 19 years ago.

So it's all your fault. Thanks for moving away. Sheesh...ruin it for everyone!
Board: State: North Carolina
Reply to: #582793 by theseekers1108
Feb 1, 2011 6:45am
Thread Board
I was so glad to be able to get there for a little bit. The boys enjoyed it too. I'm just sorry I missed all the musical events. Darn that Saturday school and the fact that one of Robby's teachers scheduled a TEST for him. If not for that, they would have skipped school!

I thought Charlie didn't seem quite himself Saturday. I'm glad he's getting better but I'm sorry you've caught it, Dina.

Thanks to Mama Flory and Sudoku Crazy for being Mama Wolf's surrogate huggers. She owes them. I intended to hug her. :-)

Knit Wit
Re: Groundhog’s Day
Board: Garden Gnomes
Reply to: #582674 by shiloh
Feb 1, 2011 7:21am
Thread Board
Does no one love the poor little Groundhog? When i was in grade school, G-Day was one holiday that broke up the winter weeks. When you are 7 years old you don't really understand the President's Day and thus don't get excited like you would for a fuzzy and fat rodent.
Re: Latest NE storm...
Board: Region: Northeast
Reply to: #582799 by mudflinginfools
Feb 1, 2011 7:22am
Thread Board
No Way!!!!! That never happens!!! I'm supposed to go in tomorrow morning. Not sure how they are going to handle the stores yet.
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582807 by The Young Rider
Feb 1, 2011 7:28am
Thread Board
Interesting. I wish they had included a list so it could be quickly viewed, instead of looking at them one by one (or maybe there is a way to do this). The photos are gorgeous, however, and make me want to visit every state.
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582803 by Silva Foot Family
Feb 1, 2011 7:29am
Thread Board
I'm afraid to look, but I know we're up there; probably in the top five

Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582815 by Jaxx
Feb 1, 2011 7:39am
Thread Board
I'm surprised. I thought for sure CA would be in the top 5. We're always hearing how broke we are.
Re: Being discrete
Board: State: Tennessee
Reply to: #582785 by Sarcasmo
Feb 1, 2011 7:41am
Thread Board
Yes, I must admit i can be quite vocal. Bawk boc boc bawk! Just ask Baqash...
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582814 by Rosmarinus
Feb 1, 2011 7:42am
Thread Board
On the bottom left below the picture, there is a "View All" button. It condenses them all into 6 pages.

TG *who lives in state #8*
Re: Being discrete
Board: State: Tennessee
Reply to: #582817 by Rowdy Rodeo Roosters
Feb 1, 2011 7:50am
Thread Board
Just ask Baqash...

'cept sometimes it sounds more like a monkey :-)
Board: State: North Carolina
Reply to: #582793 by theseekers1108
Feb 1, 2011 7:53am
Thread Board
I miss counted and now have 291 finds woo hoo!!! ***throws confetti***

Only need 9 more boxes for 300. Hubby finds it funny I have 291 finds and have met 281 people... by the way atlantictime got my sig stamp but I didn't get hers....

I finally got to see two X boxes. I finally met FLintlock(momma wolf wasn't the only one stalking him) and Walking Orange and his wife, Joan and FLUFFY COW and have some cheesecake!!!!!!!!!!!! Along with many others.

A great time was had by all in our family ... you will see when Baby Goofy has her scene in the video.
SE Virginia, stamps on a trail
Board: State: Virginia
Feb 1, 2011 8:01am
Thread Board
I've been wanting to put some boxes along trails for some time now. I've only planted about half a dozen boxes over the years, and those in smallish city parks or urban locations. I was worried the trails in my area had all been staked out. Now, it looks like i've found a few trails in Hampton Roads area that aren't already boxed, or at least not recently. The Dismal Swamp(VA and NC) and The Northwest River Park look to be mostly empty.

I've not been to any of these trails. I'm wondering how busy they are, and how easily the boxing without being seen. It looks like the Dismal trail in Chesapeake is a long, wide, straight trail. Can anyone fill me in on these trails?

Also, is anyone interested in attempting Dulcimer Daves clues for the NC Dismal Swamp? It looks like they have gone missing, but i wouldn't mind taking the hike, if anyone else is interested. Maybe some can get planted at the same time.
Re: Getting Kids Involved
Board: Postcrossing, not Cross-posting!
Reply to: #582788 by Sunny Side Up
Feb 1, 2011 8:10am
Thread Board
My 13 year old is on postcrossing - in fact, that's how I got involved. I was always on her to send more cards so she could get more, and so I signed up for my own account.

It's hit or miss as far as her involvement. She's been a member for 3 years, but will go through months where she doesn't want to write any postcards, so she doesn't. When she was 10 and 11, we printed out a small paragraph about her and attached it to the postcard which she then signed. Easier than trying to make sure they write clearly. Now, she writes her own.

I think the main thing with kids is not "making" them do anything. If they are excited and want to send cards, then great! If they don't, then that's fine too. And now, my daughter will get jealous of my cards on occasion, which makes her want to send some more out.

Have fun!
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582803 by Silva Foot Family
Feb 1, 2011 8:14am
Thread Board
  1. 2 :(
Re: SE Virginia, stamps on a trail
Board: State: Virginia
Reply to: #582822 by flintoid
Feb 1, 2011 8:18am
Thread Board
The last I knew Northwest River park had three boxes in it. I boxed them last summer and got eaten alive by some really ugly and hungry bugs. But the trails are good. It does get busy in season so a person planting just needs to take a few precautions from muggles.

I've been wanting to do Dismal Swamp for a year. It's a 10 mile hike and I don't feel comfortable doing it alone and haven't found any serious takers to come along with me. I would be willing to go along with you on this trek. The best I can tell at least the first three boxes are missing. Pick a weekend and if I'm home we can make a day of it along with anyone else that wants to join us.
Oakland Cemetery
Board: State: Georgia
Feb 1, 2011 8:27am
Thread Board
Are there any boxes in Oakland Cemetery? I am having a hard time finding any in the listings.
How about WOM boxes? I think I remember hearing there were some at Oakland.
Re: Where does your state rank?
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #582803 by Silva Foot Family
Feb 1, 2011 8:28am
Thread Board
Oregon is 34 and Washington is 35.