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Atlas Quest

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by buzzin aroundProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: North Carolina
Glad to hear other people have problems with insurance companies! Don't feel alone! One thinks that when they are stopped at a red light and you are hit from behind(no brakes applied) a clear rear ender that it is the other guys fault! You would be W...
by Lundy and VicksterProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
i brought the bears. deniserows, Just so you know, they like really tough mysteries up there. Larry
by The VsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: The Grateful Letterboxers!
To The Merry Pranksters! They have made "box of the week" A great box in one of my favorite locations!
by deniserowsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
they like really tough mysteries up there. No duh, right? i'm thinking of clues along this line: Bear, camo pouch, cemetary, tree, someplace where i stopped. i think that's enough directions, don't you? deniserows into every granite orchard on 114
by R2L2D-JProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Tennessee
Sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are my prayers. Lisa
by Puppy LuvProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Colorado
Thanks for everyone's welcome. I will try all of your suggestions.
by mudflinginfoolsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
Yeah - so much so I have one I planted 4 years ago that only 1 person has found. They may like them - bit they don't find them ; )
by Safari ManProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Well, night before last Chris's temparture went up and he was iced packed to try and get it down. His cough got worse and the nurses on his regular floor and Sandy made the call to put him in ICU for the night to get better and fullest attention. Y...
by Tri-Colored PawsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Maine
I have so much to say, I'm speechless!! Don't know where to start so I'll say *hugs* to everyone for all their comments. Can't wait to get out and go boxing! Tri-Colored Paws
by FiddleheadsProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Logbook Logistics
Buy some sticky corners (double sided tape squares) in the photo store. They work really well. I recently found a box that had a small stack of photos in it. Apparently, a guy found the box by mistake and took it home with him. He contacted the pla...
by shilohProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: North Carolina
One thinks that when they are stopped at a red light and you are hit from behind(no brakes applied) a clear rear ender that it is the other guys fault! You would be WRONG Not in Arkansas. Even if you were hit first you could be ticketed for failing to...
by Safari ManProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Note sent to me by Sandy/Granny Butterfly about 8:30 this morning : A good night of low temps has been followed by another round of 102 F and chilling, while the temp was going up this morning. Doubt it he will get out of ICU today. Still rebuking th...
by Silva Foot FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: AQ Book Club Main Board
I have read the entire Sookie series so far. I loved them. I read them all in a week because I couldn't put them down. Do you want the answers now, or after you are done? SFF
by Alaska hsmProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Ha, I can tell I'm not fully awake. I thought she was talking about the actual physical logbook.
by tacoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Stupider Questions About Letterboxing
if i allow my premium membership to expire (gasp! i know, i know... it's unthinkable!), what happens to my unlisted finds that i have in my log book? i'm thinking about the finds that i was allowed to list because i am a premium member... will they...
by wingridersProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Thanks for letting us know. I am off to church and will say a special prayer for him and Sandy. Wingrider - Jenny
by Silva Foot FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Stupider Questions About Letterboxing
I am pretty sure that they stay because non premium members can list unlisted finds on free listing day. SFF
by tacoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Stupider Questions About Letterboxing
ahh, thank you. that makes sense!
by Mama StorkProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Letterbox Chatter
If you do a Board search on this topic you will see many threads on why people choose to keep their logbook private. And also why some people choose not to log their finds online at all.
by mommie2candmProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
I am in Geneva-on-the-Lake regularly - my husband lives there - oddly, I do not. Rsilver and I would love to meet you - AQmail me with more specific dates and we'll see what we can do. Weekends are my time there (I work in Atlanta M-F, but live in Med...
by Mama StorkProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Thanks for the updates Glenn., I have never had the pleasure of meeting Chris and Sandy,but feel I know them--they are part of my letterboxing family! Continued prayers
by mommie2candmProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Thank you sooo much for the update. They have been on my mind this past week, as he has been fighting this. They will continue to be in my thoughts until they are both home safe and sound!!!
by SarcasmoProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Tennessee
I am very sorry to hear of your father's passing. Sounds like a goodnik, as any letterboxer surely is. ;) I hope you find peace with this soon and are able to honor him with a letterbox dedication perhaps. I'm sure you have a great story to tell abo...
by Yak King bluesProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Logbook Logistics
My personal logbook has photos for almost every find that I have. I use a glue stick to attach them to the page I'm working on, but then I'm also putting the pages in "page protectors". Sorta like scrap way.;} Check out how photos ar...
by koalacatProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: State: Ohio
Hope he gets better soon. I met them last October after they invited me to a mini meet up here in Michigan. Please get well soon!
by jay1ProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: AQ Book Club Main Board
I have read 3 in the series. Personally, I don't want to read minds. If I had a power, I would want to be able to be invisible. That would be so helpful when I am out letterboxing! LOL j1
by TurtlegirlProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: LTC: Trades and Trackers
So glad I read this. I will send $5 to you with this month's cards. I should be sending them in the next day or so. Turtlegirl
by RavenProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: The Grateful Letterboxers!
They do a box of the month in Colorado. I'm so jealous, I wish I lived in an area like that!
by The 3 ForagersProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: Stupider Questions About Letterboxing
Sad to say, it seems I have lost my passion/obsession with letterboxing lately. Several factors seem to be contributing to this: a glut of crappy store-bought-stamp boxes with terrible clues new to the area, boxing with a overly dramatic 5 year old, th...
by Silva Foot FamilyProfileContactLogbookNote
Board: AQ Book Club Main Board
I wouldn't want to read minds either. It would be helpful if you could turn it off when you wanted some peace in your head. SFF