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Read Thread: Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing

Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Jan 18, 2019 5:43pm
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I'm currently in a micro-postal ring; a postal sent in a regular letter envelope. I have done regular postals (the Mystery Postals in particular) and LTC trackers. I like these kinds of letterboxing because, especially during the winter, there isn't enough time after work to go letterboxing.

Do you do non-traditional letterboxing? What attracts you to it?
Re: Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #970427 by Oberon_Kenobi
Jan 18, 2019 6:52pm
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It’s not just the weather, it can be lack of available boxes in general. We have found all of the (few) physical letterboxes in our area and all of the ones in the surrounding areas. The Central Valley of California is kind of a no-man’s land of letterboxing. As such, we have come to really embrace LTC trackers because it’s a way for us to exchange carved stamp images with other letterboxes. I think it’s fantastic.

We value the LTC community as a way of staying active in this hobby.
Re: Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #970427 by Oberon_Kenobi
Jan 19, 2019 7:24am
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When I first started letterboxing, my kids were young, and we had just moved to NY due to my husband's job. It was a new place that we wanted to explore and we knew we would only be there for a few years, so letterboxing was great for that, and NY is a great state for letterboxers. After a few years we moved back to Louisiana. We had already lived for many years in Louisiana, so the impetus to get out and explore wasn't as great, and the kids were older and had more activities of their own that took up my free time. LTCs were a great way to keep improving my carving skills, as well as a way to see carves by people whose work I might never see in real life. The same is true with postals, plus postals can add other levels of creativity with logbooks and containers.

Re: Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #970427 by Oberon_Kenobi
Jan 19, 2019 4:14pm
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used to until postal rates became so high and too many were ending up in black holes... I do LTCs when the stamps warrant it - but hardly ever join a swap.

While we don't do lots of winter boxing - we do some - and I carve for many events in the future... wait - I have 400 boxes to plant for next weekends event that 200 people are attending... who doesn't box in the winter???

Come to Maine - we do!
Re: Friday Distraction: Non-traditional Letterboxing
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #970451 by mudflinginfools
Jan 19, 2019 6:47pm
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So, so jealous! I’ll make it there one day... and I expect a guide when I do!
