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Read Thread: Mystery Postal #418 is open

Re: Mystery Postal #418 Answer and explanation of clues
Board: Postals
Reply to: #969897 by IrishRef
Jan 11, 2019 9:05pm
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The solution of the mystery postal was astronaut. This one proved rather difficult. Will try to do better next time. The explanation of clues follows:

1. A River in Utah. - This was a rather tricky clue based on Doctor Who. River Song in an episode is to kill the Doctor wearing a spacesuit in a lake in Utah. Lake Silencio. Ergo a river in Utah.
2. Fruit loops - This is from Big Bang Theory. Howard was an astronaut for one mission. His captain gave him the nickname Fruit Loops. Best part of this clue is the existence of a Fruit Loops trail in Utah.
3. MTV - Probably dating myself. MTV started when I was in college. One of their logo images is an astronaut planting an MTV flag on the moon.
4. Reluctant - The reluctant astronaut is a movie with Don Knotts He is a NASA janitor and is sent into space.
5. Capricorn - Involves the movie Capricorn One. Involves a faked Mars mission. Government tries to kill the astronauts to cover up the fake.
6. 1969 - Date of the first moon landing (Apollo 11)
7. Houston - The call name for Mission Control
8. The Eagle has landed. - Message sent by Apollo 11. Also considered using the message "we are all taking a space walk". This would have been about a Big Bang Episode when Howard's waste disposal system failed on a NASA mission. The astronauts decided to all take a space walk to avoid the issue.
Re: Mystery 418 Missing clue
Board: Postals
Reply to: #970229 by IrishRef
Jan 12, 2019 7:06am
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I forgot to include the explanation for Elegy. This one one of numerous Twilight Zone episodes about space. Three astronauts go to a planet like earth with only one living person. Come to find out he is the caretaker for their afterlife. That rhis was appropriate with the annual Twight Zone marathon New Year's weekend.
Re: Mystery Postal #418 Answer and explanation of clues
Board: Postals
Reply to: #970229 by IrishRef
Jan 12, 2019 1:28pm
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This was a good one. Not a Dr Who fan so I’m still sticking with the Virgin River because of Virgin Galactic. Thanks for the fun!
Re: Mystery Postal #418 Answer and explanation of clues
Board: Postals
Reply to: #970242 by Trishee
Jan 12, 2019 1:53pm
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I thought it had something to do with the Virgin River in UT, too. Because - well, it's a pretty unusual name. 8~P
Re: Mystery Postal #418 Answer and explanation of clues
Board: Postals
Reply to: #970229 by IrishRef
Jan 12, 2019 7:11pm
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1. A River in Utah. - This was a rather tricky clue based on Doctor Who. River Song in an episode is to kill the Doctor wearing a spacesuit in a lake in Utah. Lake Silencio. Ergo a river in Utah.

That's why I guessed Matt Smith. I went with the celebrity, when I should have gone with the prop!