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Re: Letterboxing Conversations
Board: State: Michigan
Reply to: #969832 by Angel Winks
Jan 4, 2019 1:20am
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I was looking at that when SuperHedgeHoggie posted about it.

I'm tempted, but haven't really had the energy to carve or plant. Haven't planted or carved in well over a year. Heck, I have three or four stamps carved for your area since 2012, since before moving to North Carolina, but haven't ever gotten around to figuring out a place for them.
Although, it looks like Nic wants to go that way for his 40th in a couple of months to show me his individual tour of GR when he lived there in 2015/16. Don't know if there will be any letterboxing on that trip, but a week later will be my 10 year anniversary as a letterboxer.
Re: Letterboxing Conversations
Board: State: Michigan
Reply to: #969321 by Dawnkey
Mar 27, 2019 5:16am
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I just wanted to let you all know how enjoyable and helpful these conversations in the "non-letterboxing" months were to me. One thing I did was to set up my tags and that has been just great. I've used one tag for Locations Needed and then when I feel like digging deeper into solving a mystery location, I can easily find the boxes.

I've also used one for Puzzles to Solve and then solve them when I'm bored with the Netflix series we're watching :).

But the most fun I've had with tags has been an idea from use tags for Last Finder. Then I've also created a search for that and then I added it to my custom menu (under Letterboxes) to be sorted by last found. So every couple of days I do a quick click on that and find out if someone has found a box in which I was the last finder. If so, I get rid of the tag quickly, but it's also fun to see who is out and about letterboxing.

The other tag LaLaBirds suggested was Last to Attempt. So I've created that and then when I do a quick check I can see if someone else found it. If so, I delete my attempt, kick myself for not finding it, and I know I need to go and look again.

Anyway, there were so many great ideas shared, and I had a good time personalizing my page with your ideas. Happy boxing, everyone! I've been working on planting my Letterboxing Memories boxes and hope some of you find them in this year to come. Three boxes/series are done and I have seven to go!