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Read Thread: Trouble logging an unlisted attempt

Re: Trouble logging an unlisted attempt
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #969236 by YankeeChiK
Dec 9, 2018 9:49pm
Thread (disabled) Board
I really did think I was the first to log this particular box.

Hmm.... I took a look at the code, and you might be right. It looks like I mis-remembered how the code works where AQ automatically capitalizes the first letter of each word.

The rest of what I wrote is true--however it's stored in the database is how everyone else will see it show up in their logbook. That might actually be why I decided to have it automatically capitalize the first letter of each word. A lot of people don't type with capital letters which drives some people crazy, and if I didn't auto-capitalize them, it would likely cause a lot of annoyance for people who would prefer titles use capitalization. (You're actually the first person to ever complain about one of the words not being capitalized!)

Maybe I can make the code detect if the person used some capitalization and only capitalize the first letter of each word if they didn't use any at all? If they used it on some words but not others, that would assume that they deliberately chose not to capitalize certain words and it should be left alone. Hmm.....

-- Ryan