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Read Thread: Trouble logging an unlisted attempt

Re: Trouble logging an unlisted attempt
Board: Letterboxing Help Desk
Reply to: #969233 by YankeeChiK
Dec 9, 2018 5:06pm
Thread (disabled) Board
I've tried several times to log an unlisted traditional attempt today and each time, it records it as a find.

Sorry about that. Bug in the code, but it should be fixed now!

I'm also curious why AQ sometimes changes the capitalization of an unlisted box.

That would be because someone already recorded an unlisted find with that name and your find is attached to it. The database isn't very good at recognizing when the capitalization is different.

The easiest way around that that is to make sure you are the first person who record a certain box name. Maybe using the name of the location of where the box was located or who planted it.

If it's in the list box matching unlisted boxes--that's how it's going to show no matter how you change the capitalization. It has to be a completely new entry in the database for your capitalization to stick.

-- Ryan