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Read Thread: Another rant

Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Nov 13, 2018 2:11pm
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So along the lines of Teacups rant. I have one as well. We planted the Wizard of Oz series in a cemetery two days before the event and a stamp has gone missing. Not happy about it since it should not have happened the day of the event. Four groups stamped in...after that it went missing! To put back where you found is not hard especially in a cemetery! If someone gives you a stamp to stamp put back where you found and let the next group or person find it. Do not tell them where it goes put it back.

It should not have gone missing two hours into an event!

Yes I know it happens a lot but not an hour or two into an event.

Thank you all who came and donated. We collected about 250 toys this year.

Susan and Ray
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968317 by Happy Daze
Nov 13, 2018 2:40pm
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By chance, could some muggles have seen a group of boxers put the box back, investigated, and take the stamp?
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968319 by JampersandJ
Nov 13, 2018 5:02pm
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It was a cold, rainy and VERY windy day... the only people crazy enough to be in a cemetery poking around were boxers - all noxers were smart enough to stay inside next to their woodstove holding their cup of Allen's Coffee Brandy ;)
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968317 by Happy Daze
Nov 13, 2018 6:35pm
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One thing I noticed at my recently hosted event was that some people were not rehiding the boxes as they found them. I don't know why, if they figured more people were coming so they'd make it easier for them, or what? But, at some point, someone is the last person, and they needed to be hidden from muggles after the event. I don't know why the basic tenet of 'hiding better than you found it' doesn't apply at events, but it seems like people get lax about it.

Sorry about your missing stamp! Any chance someone put it back in the wrong place and it's still around?
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968330 by BaliWho
Nov 14, 2018 12:07am
Thread (disabled) Board
There were 12 of us looking under every headstone anywhere near where it was supposed to be.... I thought we were going to loose MissAdventure under one of them she was in so deep! 😜
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968330 by BaliWho
Nov 14, 2018 5:07am
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I don't know why the basic tenet of 'hiding better than you found it' doesn't apply at events, but it seems like people get lax about it.

I noticed this at L&B xx, some people just tossed the stamp in the area it was hiding. We almost didn't find one.
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968317 by Happy Daze
Nov 14, 2018 5:07am
Thread (disabled) Board
Ive noticed in large events, people all bunch up and sometimes people take a stamp over to someone and then they got confused as to where it goes. Ive also seen people take a stamp way over to a bench or something and then it gets rehidden at the wrong tree. People are in too much of a hurry and cut too many corners. Ive even seen people take all the stamps and bring them to their car so someone who can't or doesn't want to get out of the car, doesn't have to. Seriously I don't care, but jist return the stamp exactly where it belongs.
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968346 by FloridaFour
Nov 14, 2018 4:25pm
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I have a solution for the Bean event... if people don't put the stamps back where we planted them I will never hold another Bean event again! lol
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968359 by mudflinginfools
Nov 14, 2018 4:29pm
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**Insert eye roll here**
Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968360 by Teacup
Nov 15, 2018 4:39am
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*** Insert double eye roll ***

Re: Another rant
Board: State: Maine
Reply to: #968317 by Happy Daze
Nov 15, 2018 6:54am
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This happen at my event too. It was a very big disappointment. Sorry about your missing stamp