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Read Thread: Lincoln Letterbox missing... found a geocache in its place

Re: Lincoln Letterbox missing... found a geocache in its place
Board: State: Nebraska
Reply to: #945198 by DarkZen and Evil Cow Pie
May 3, 2017 7:42am
Thread (disabled) Board
The last time I knew it was in place was April 20. Thanks for checking the geocache map!
Re: Lincoln Letterbox missing... found a geocache in its place
Board: State: Nebraska
Reply to: #945198 by DarkZen and Evil Cow Pie
May 3, 2017 9:59am
Thread (disabled) Board
I had a Letterbox go missing and was advised by a finder that it appeared a geocacher got ahold of this.. I kinda shrugged it off thinking - Geocachers are usually the first to put the blame on when a stamp goes missing... So the hubby and i took a bike ride down to check on them all and sure enough, my pouch was COMPLETELY overtaken by Geocachers!!!! Guess the thing that really UUURRRKK'd me was the fact that i very clearly marked the pouch and when i went to find the cache on the the geocache website i found the "idiots" even making note that the pouch was clearly marked "LETTERBOX NOT A GEOCACHE" yet continued to log away at it:

....So frustrated as I was, I sent a message to the first girl who started a sheet of paper to log their names and stick it in my Letterboxing Pouch -- Nicely asking her for my stamp back and questioning why/how a my clearly marked pouch was taken over.... Once I finally received a reply, my frustration level was taken to the next when she stated 'she TOO was a Letterboxer' ?!?! Seriously tho Grrrrrrrrrr I just don't get it :/
Re: Lincoln Letterbox missing... found a geocache in its place
Board: State: Nebraska
Reply to: #945183 by Asteroid_Cat
May 3, 2017 12:26pm
Thread (disabled) Board
1.There are a few other caching websites besides

2. I have a letterbox that got taken over by geocachers, but they did not take the stamp.. it has had hundreds...yes hundreds of geocaches, find it. And like 6 letterboxers. And it was clearly marked, and many of them know it is a letterbox. But they found the spot... and they claimed their smilie!!!!