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Read Thread: Feeling dicouraged

Re: Feeling dicouraged
Board: Scouts Honor
Reply to: #941933 by Uncorny Acorns
Feb 17, 2017 8:20am
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Hmm. Is it the majority of the parents that are causing issues or just a few? If it's just a few, maybe assign them smaller things within an event and leave the bigger event/activities to parents who are a bit more reliable. Also, maybe they don't check their email often and you should try phone calls or texts. This sounds like quite the frustrating situation :(
Re: Feeling dicouraged
Board: Scouts Honor
Reply to: #941898 by Uncorny Acorns
Feb 17, 2017 5:28pm
Thread (disabled) Board
This started happening with my troop when we were senior scouts (late 90's, my mom was our leader). Parents were less and less able to even help carpool, although some would still drop the girls off. For us, my junior/cadette troop ended up split between 3 schools as we got older (some still in middle school, and the rest of us split into 2 high schools depending on our neighborhood)....all of us also had band, student council, 4H, orchestra, cheer leading, sports, etc etc so for us that had a lot to do with availability as well. In the end, my mom would seek opportunities for us and put them on a calendar to share- and whoever could come would come and earn whatever was there to be earned. Luckily my council was providing classes and opportunities for older girls to sign up for. Our camping trip was planned mostly by us during our meeting (although my parents did all the shopping) and the last camping trip we did as a troop we actually met with a sister troop our age- we all planned the same location and agreed to meet but essentially made our own food plans (more or less) each troop leader planned a few activities but both troops participated- so some of the duties were split in that way.

In the end, my senior year of high school it was mostly me doing stuff on my own with maybe one or two others and I found myself volunteering my time with younger troops rather than my troop doing something all together.

I don't think that was any advice, but did want to respond to say, you're not alone. :)