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Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941610 by Force of Five
Feb 7, 2017 7:45am
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Yeah, it's the bottom too. So top teeth and bottom lip really covers that when you smile. I don't have an appt for the extractions, and am going for an ortho consult first. Plus I have an old close friend in South Florida I text pics of her teeth and xray too that works in a dental office with a peds office attached that said she'd have them take a look. So I'm over the initial shock sad waa poor me phase. My son lost his first tooth (top front) at 3 due to trauma and I was so worried that the impact was going to deaden the adult tooth. Waited years to find out it was just fine when it finally came in, so I can be patient :) And then there's wisdom teeth. Maybe she can keep the baby teeth til those come in? Who knows. But I know implants are costly, painful, and take nearly a year to insert. I just wish I could take her place.
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941568 by Raven
Feb 7, 2017 8:56am
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My son just had to have SIX teeth extracted for the same reason. They were babies and hadn't fallen out, so the teeth had become fused and the adult teeth were right behind them. He had to be anesthetized, and he was a real trooper through the whole thing and seems to be having the teeth move in fine with no more problems...
We did use a pediatric dentist who was wonderful.

However, if you have anxiety about dentists I highly recommend having someone go with you. My dentist suggested another adult to help me get him home and I couldn't get anyone to go with and still have a sitter for my daughter.
The recovery was terrifying. (Admittedly, I have anxiety) It was all normal and he is fine, but when they come out of the drugs they shake like crazy and he was coughing up all the blood from the surgery and it LOOKS really scary. There was literally nothing wrong, but alone with him doing that, I got very nervous. The dentist did warn me, but then they kind of walked away and let me deal with it.
He was also higher than a kite on the way home and I needed help getting him to the car. (granted, he's 11 so I couldn't carry him)
Anyway... moral is I'm glad we did it and his teeth are healthy and he wasn't traumatized at all... but I feel like I was a little :D
Bring someone to help you.
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941629 by Vandisar
Feb 7, 2017 11:11am
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I'm really wishing I could click the HUG button on your post more than once!!
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941568 by Raven
Feb 7, 2017 1:55pm
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I have horrid dental phobia from childhood experiences, so I hear you loud and clear. My daughter was born without adult eye teeth, discovered around the same age. It was necessary to extract her baby teeth in order to install bilateral maryland bridges which is a false tooth that is attached to the flanking adult teeth to maintain space until permanent implants can be installed, usually by age 25. Once we explained the full procedure - that her teeth were coming out to put in something new - she had no problem with it at all. Perhaps asking the dentist what the long term plan will be may be a start toward making everyone feel better. You are wise not to project your fears, one of the hard things about parenting :-)

Warrior Woman
been there, done that
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941598 by Uncorny Acorns
Feb 7, 2017 2:24pm
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Yes, we had one dentist who did not even have IV sedation available. We waited until I changed insurance andetails got a better dentist. My kids is a bundle of nerves, lost about 5lbs because he wouldn't eat with loose teeth, his gums were getting infected, etc, so they pulled 5 or 6 teeth all at once. Special case for my kiddo, not the norm.
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941598 by Uncorny Acorns
Feb 7, 2017 2:27pm
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That could be true about the baby teeth. My daughter is missing 4 molars. In her case, they never formed, but because she had super crowded teeth, they pulled the baby molars and let the gaps close. I think she was 10 when she had them pulled.
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941568 by Raven
Mar 7, 2017 10:56am
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Good news! Took her to the orthodontist and he said to leave them alone. Said if they pull them now then it can cause deterioration in the jaw bone making it less receptive for implants down the line. He also said that it's possible that we can get away with her baby teeth for quite awhile before we have to make a decision, that maybe in time he can use them along with braces to make or close a gap for a bridge/retainer so she can get an implant when the law has finished growing if that's what's needed. So I slept well that night!
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941568 by Raven
Mar 7, 2017 9:04pm
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I had the same thing. I kept my teeth until I was weel into my twenties. One came out I had the other pulled and a partial with one tooth put in. No big deal.

Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #942768 by shiloh
Mar 9, 2017 8:05am
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Thank you.
Re: Not sure how to handle this
Board: Kid Shenanigans
Reply to: #941568 by Raven
Mar 10, 2017 7:10am
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I have 3 baby teeth still in my mouth that never grew adult ones. They said as long as I take extra good care of them they will last! I just had a baby tooth get a filling recently because they are more susceptible to cavitys. But only having one cavity on 1/3 baby teeth after almost 30 years isnt bad at all :) Best of luck!