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Read Thread: Poor Pluto

Poor Pluto
Board: Astronomy
Aug 24, 2016 8:36am
Thread (disabled) Board
I just saw on "This Day In History" that it is the 10th anniversary of Pluto's demotion. :-(

I'm Your Moon

RIP Pluto, Rotate In Peace!
Re: Poor Pluto
Board: Astronomy
Reply to: #933430 by Nature Hikers
Aug 24, 2016 8:51am
Thread (disabled) Board
Poor Pluto is right! It's bad enough to get a demotion. But P also is a verb now...

On 5th January 2007, the 17th annual vote of the American Dialect Society crowned the new verb pluto, with the meaning 'to demote or devalue someone or something', as its 'Word of the Year' for 2006. Pluto claimed the winning spot by narrowly overtaking the (arguably more useful) expression climate canary, referring to something which indicates a looming environmental catastrophe caused by climate change (a canary was at one time used as a way of signalling impending disaster in a coalmine)