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Read Thread: FCLB - Gather Photos Uploaded

FCLB - Gather Photos Uploaded
Board: Event News and Planning
May 1, 2007 4:56am
Thread (disabled) Board
Check out the first batch of photos from the event! Anyone else who took pics and would like to upload them, please feel free to do so.
FCLB - Gather Photos

I want to take this opportunity to thank the Pyratemates for their help in getting this event put together. Also a very special thanks to Geometry Junkie who was instrumental in our success. She donated carving material for the raffle and created many of the log books that we enjoyed throughout the day. Thank you Mandy for everything you did!

Finally, a huge thank you to all the guests who drove, biked, walked, or ran to join us for the event. Without you, we'd have had a lot of empty tables! *grin* Just kidding. You are what makes and event fun and special. Thank you!
