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Read Thread: Pride

Board: Movie Moments
Jan 31, 2015 9:49pm
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Pride is an British film about an unusual alliance between two very stark groups of people: Coal Miners and Londoners' Gays and Lesbians.

The movie begins in 1984 when The Iron Lady, Margret Thatcher, is leading a charge against the striking Coal Miners in the United Kingdom.

Enter a young, gay man, Mark Aston hell bent on making a difference. After seeing video of the police brutally attacking the miners, and after a gay pride march, Mark convinces his friends to start a collection on the miners behalf.

After gathering a sizable donation, they reach out to a chapter of the Coal Miners. Then due to a "miscommunication", Mark and his friends go to Welsh to meet a leader of one of coal miners' chapter, who soon realizes the miscommunication part. But the coal miners are in need of allies and so he accepts the money they give him, and this unusual alliance is borne.

This alliance however comes with consequences and dissension as it's UK 1984, not California 2013.

This movie 4 four Kitty Paws for:
One Kitty Paw because it's based on actual events. (Maybe not exactly historical, but still I like historical.)
One Kitty Paw because it's a great movie.
One Kitty Paw because the characters you will like and you will dislike.......... specially that one woman.....hisssssss
One Kitty Paw because the ending moved me enough to make me cry.

(There is one "adult related" moment, ironically with heterosexual women. Just a heads up.)
Re: Pride
Board: Movie Moments
Reply to: #886673 by Captain Slick Kitty
Feb 1, 2015 4:34am
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Agree, agree, agree - this is my favorite movie of 2014! Such a good, and moving, story --