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Read Thread: Looking for a particular troop....

Looking for a particular troop....
Board: Scouts Honor
Mar 14, 2011 10:38am
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Someone on here contacted me a couple months ago about being pen pals with my multi-level troop. I honestly don't remember who it was or even what state they were in, I believe it was a Brownie troop though. I had the AQmail in my inbox, I thought I moved it to my archives so I'd have the address, but apparently I didn't :-( so we have a letter all set to be mailed out, but I have no idea who it's going to :-(

Anybody on here remember agreeing to be pen pals with my troop? We're in Frankfort NY if that helps any lol
Re: Looking for a particular troop....
Board: Scouts Honor
Reply to: #592209 by Kelseys Kreations
Apr 1, 2011 3:38am
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My troop was looking to have a pen pal, and I AQ'd someone a long time ago, but never heard back. I don't believe it was you though, I was looking further west. But, I have 18 girls, and we are having a campout tomorrow night. If you would like to exchange info with me, I can set up some quiet time before bed for the girls to write a letter about their adventures.

They are all bridging this year into Juniors. We end in May, but if we get a letter or two in now, maybe it would be something we could pick up again in the fall, or even possibly the girls could keep it going themselves over the summer.