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Read Thread: Free day at National Parks

Free day at National Parks
Board: National Park Passport Cancellation
Oct 30, 2010 6:22pm
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Read this message at work today and thought I'd share it. Pass the word!

What do Shenandoah National Park, the Vanderbilt Mansion, and Harpers Ferry have in common? They are all part of the U.S. National Park system and you can visit them all for free on Veterans Day! In recognition of current and former service members, the National Park Service is waiving all entrance fees to national parks on Nov. 11, 2010. Almost 400 of America's national parks will be open, including Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska, Cabrillo National Monument in California, and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. "I invite everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and savor places that our veterans have kept safe for us," said NPS Director Jon Jarvis. The national parks hold something for everyone -- hardcore hikers and campers and people who like to explore history, take a leisurely nature walk, or simply pack a picnic lunch and get away from it all. In the parks, visitors of all abilities and interests can enjoy a holiday, often without making more than a short trip from home. For more information, visit
