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Read Thread: life with a 1-year-old - he stole my carver

Re: life with a 1-year-old - he stole my carver
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Reply to: #408308 by Maos
Jun 30, 2009 10:05pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Why didn't you warn me that this was going to be so addicting.

Stand up, take a sloooooow, deep breath, and repeat after me:

Hello, my trailname is (insert here) and I am addicted to carving.

I first started carving stamps as part of my other addiction, known as letterboxing. Since I started, I have experienced periods of staring at rubber for hours and hours at a time. Although, I may be frightened to admit it...

*deep breath*

...I enjoy cutting rubber for self pleasure. There, I SAID IT! I think the first step to healing is admitting I have a problem. I hope I am around enough smart and mature individuals.......

*long pause*

...and wassa... to be comforted and understood during this difficult time. I know that you are all equally obsessed or you would not be here today. I think we can all heal in time from this insane obsession of carving into rubber.

Thank you.

*sits down*

*whispers to neighbor* : phew... that felt good to get off my chest.

Re: life with a 1-year-old - he stole my carver
Board: Stamp Carving and Mounting
Reply to: #408475 by Bobguyman
Jul 1, 2009 12:00am
Thread (disabled) Board
Addicted? No.

I am not addicted.

Really, I'm not.

I just do this for the kids. They have fun. So what if I have to coax them into going. They really like it! I just have to explain how fun it is to go to all the places the boxes take us.

Letterboxing addictive? No!

Carving addictive? No, I've only carved 5 stamps for others... and well have 5 stamps with nothing to do... 3 ready to plant... 11 already planted. I have been at this for awhile you know. A couple months at least.

Nope, Not addicted.

The Zoo... so NOT in denial ;)